Everything I need for Golden Fluid Paints?

Keep in mind that golden is regular acrylic paint, not specifically made for dolls, so there is no flesh anything. Titan buff, which is an off white color, is as good as it gets.

While I can mix all kinds of colors from basic colors now, I am so glad I started with babyfx. It was super helpful to see what all of the specific colors looked like and how thin they should be. Had I started with golden, my dolls would be a mess.

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Here you go Golden Artist Colors, Inc.

I use it so I can get my paints thin enough and still not sacrifice the quality of the paints/pigments.

Aside from extending the retarder I get a far smoother finish, it helps to be able to move the paint around so no more streaks or uneven application.
Sorry Im not the best at explaining, but I think it makes the paint behave more like oil paints.

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No but if you really want flesh you can mix titan buff with light burnt umber in different strengths. Im like @NancyW I don’t use flesh washes, I use a lot of yellow ochre, teal, light burnt umber, reds and purple, etc.


Thank you! You’ve been super helpful lol!

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No problem and if you need any more info on the mediums the Golden website is very informative. If I can help you with anything you can PM me.

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