Completed Babies

I am allergic to pretty much everything so my babies are not scented at all; those wafer things make me gag.

When I first started reborning, I sent home a LOT of extra outfits, stuffed animal, socks, shoes…until a repeat customer asked me kindly to please not send anything but the baby wrapped in a blanket because for her, the fun of receiving a baby was the joy of shopping for it.

I realized then that it’s really about the baby, not the stuff. Now I send each one home in a sleeper, wrapped in a blanket, one set of clothing, a pacifier, COA or birth certificate, care sheet, and a couple of extra diapers. When I do a photo shoot, I make sure not to show anything that is NOT included; don’t want any problems there, either.


I guess I need to rethink my process. I send several outfits, hair accessories, a toy, hairbrush, blanket, etc. :thinking:


If I send just the baby, what on earth am I going to do with the 200 pounds of baby clothes I have? (No lie. I love shopping for baby clothes).


I do to lol
That’s always my reasoning and assurance for buying new baby clothes, well I can easily send it home with a baby lol
If my town had more options for baby clothes,it would be so much worse lol.

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Oops…yes. I send along a hat, headband, bows or whatever, I forgot to mention that. Sometimes I’ll throw in an extra onesie or romper. I have so many baby clothes that it’s nice to send a little extra something, but I am careful not to overdo it, especially in the price range I’m selling at. If my dolls sold for more, I think I’d maybe send a bigger layette. I just never forgot that customer asking me to please not send a bunch of extra stuff.


This shopping for baby clothes is a sickness. LOL We don’t have a single store in my small city that sells baby clothes. So if I have to drive 45 minutes (one way) to get them, I can’t come home empty handed, can I? But I do have a few that I just can’t part with. Like I said, it’s a sickness. LOL Do I care? Nope.


I don’t sell, but personally I’d probably send in a white cotton sleep sack with white mittens to protect the hands a white hat to protect hair, and then bubble wrap. So many dyes can leak out onto a baby especially during travel where humidity and thus moisture levels, can change.

I also am extremely allergic to fabric softener and detergent plus almost all scents so please check with customers before shipping anything that’s scented or make sure you specifically list that it’s scented. It’s to the point where I cannot hugs friends or sit on their beds/couches if there has been fabric softener or detergent and the worst would be receiving a baby who you cant clean enough to get the scent off and have it cause a reaction!

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I always ask my customers if they want baby powder scent and/or a magnetic pacifier. I put a 1/4" piece of baby powder wafer in the diaper, under the inner liner, because the wafers are kind of oily and I don’t want them to stain the body. They’re also VERY strong scent. If the customer does want it, I cut a whole wafer into small pieces, put one in the diaper and send the rest to the new mom in a small jar with a tight fitting lid.

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LOL!! I’ve witnessed that too! I send them home in sleepers for the most part. Their new mommies have them undressed within 30 minutes of the box opening and in new clothes in a matter of seconds!


I send extra clothes because shopping for baby clothes is something I enjoy. Most of my customers like the clothes I send and I get pictures back from them mainly wearing what I have sent, even the sleepers but they also buy clothes for them of course. I always send a toothbrush and some conditioner (without the water added) with my babies because before I did that I got pictures back months later of my poor babies with dry hair standing up all over. I also send hair accessories for girls. Some of my more expensive babies have cloth diapers but I always send disposables home as well.
I think box openings are fun and adds another layer to a new “baby” coming home…I dont feel there is anything wrong with them. I think the majority of buyers like it but there are a handful of those who would rather just get a baby with a onesie in a blanket.

I also hate those blue supposedly scented, baby powder, wafers. I think they smell like flowery perfume and nothing like baby powder. I use strawberry scented wafers and I also use a baby scented oil that smells more like Baby Magic lotion. I usually just put that on my hands and rub it on the outside of the baby and the clothes so they smell good when the box is opened. I also love baby powder scent…and I adore the smell of Baby Magic lotion :slight_smile:


+1 to leaving strong scents out of babies and their clothes. When I received mine, I couldn’t even enjoy it right away because those scented wafers were triggering my husband’s allergies.