Comparing my two Landon kits

I totally love the Landon kit and just had to have another one. The one I painted on the right was a seconds kit, though as usual with Bountiful Baby’s high standards, I found nothing wrong. The one on the left is my first quality kit. Both are adorable, but to me the one I painted has a shorter chin and fatter face. Neither look misshaped in any way, so I am wondering is this my imagination? If you do not think it is my imagination, which does your Landon look like the left or the right? I am sorry for the poor lighting- it is snowing again here and I just cannot find a good spot for natural light. But I think face shape you can see accurately.


The painted head definitely looks chubbier/wider to me. I don’t have a Landon yet, so I can’t say which is “right”, but they’re both adorable! (I actually think I prefer the chubbier look though, so if that’s the reason it’s a seconds kit, it doesn’t seem like a bad thing lol)


That is exactly what I think and if I cannot get another chubby faced one I am going to keep this one for me :smile:

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Wow. Definitely chubbier. I think but not certain just my thinking, that the unpainted is the “supposed” to be version. I like both equally, though.

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I think the unpainted version looks more like the blank kit in the gallery so you are probably correct on that.

I like them both, but I think I also like the chubbier face a little better. It could be my eyes, but one of the prototypes looks to have the shorter chin even though the blank kit in the gallery does not.

That’s really weird… I prefer the chubs though. Hope they accidentally sent me seconds when I ordered extra Landons. Lol

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is that from baking the head with the face up? I have had this happen to me. I once had a baby on the side of its head laying on the ear and it looked narrow…vice versa if I baked with face up…it would look wider

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When they make the mold and tools to pour the vinyl they have to make several once so that’s why thee is a bit of difference l also when heating the vinyl takes a bit off different shape as well until it cools down

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I use air dry paints, so no baking for me.

Maybe I am looking for an excuse to keep this one. I have been doing that lately! :grin:

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Wow it really does! I like them both

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I prefer baby on right too

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I prefer the one on the right. But the three Landon kits I have, all look like the one on the left. Too bad.

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Thank you! Based on the gallery image I thought that would be the case. I wonder if heating in the position @avyona mentioned would enable me to make the thinner face look like chubbier face? Avyona, will the face stay fuller even when it cools? I have only done the hot water trick to reshape heads if they got a little misshaped during shipping and that made them go back they way they were supposed to be.

I wondered if it was just from how it is painted which is beautiful by the way. I think you should definitely keep him.


The one on the right is definitely chubbier. Has the head been stuffed? Do we need a reason to keep our faves?

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Yes, I think he is my new baby! At first I wondered if it was the paint too, but the more I looked I thought no there is a difference. So then I took pictures from all angles and looked again. Thank you for the compliment! I hoping to make big improvements in 2018.

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No, I have only painted no stuffing or anything. I don’t know if I need a reason to keep my favorites, but I seem to find them.

yes if you bake it face up…then cool it face up it will stay…especially if done repeatedly and also cooling it in the oven. Just turn the heat off.

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