Caleb's pricing

I am thinking that is a 3/4 limb baby so based on that I would say $450. She is beautiful! I do find the babies that are not full limb go a bit lower now than the full limb but I definitely think way more than $250 for her!

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I guess that is a preference thing but I have sold and bought painted hair babies over the $500 price point. If well painted, then painted hair babies hold just as much value as rooted. I have seen some hideously rooted hair babies I would not pay $2 for.


Yes I agree, poorly rooted is worse than bald or painted hair. But for this particular reborn, I’d imagine it could go for $500-700. at least, esp if it were well rooted with curly human hair. It would up the value considerably for most customers.


Beautiful!! Good luck


She’s gorgeous!! 500 at the least!


$450- $500 Absolutely beautiful!


Beautiful work way more then 250.00

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You did amazing job.Don`t underestimate your talent. I am a collector not a reborn artist.I have seen reborns with painting and detailing that in my opinion was horrible and they were asking $300.00 to $400.00. $600.00 is a fair price and much more. Not to many artist can paint a African American or biracial reborn.

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