BB's on-going sales

I got Elliot the other day​:grinning::grinning::grinning:

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There are never two or more that I want at the same time!!!


Easton was on this morning…
Is Samantha considered toddler? She is on now.

What ones are considered toddler? lol

Same here I see one I want on occasion but never two or three.

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Kim made a Jesse and I fell in love with it. Wish Jesse would go back on sale. I’ve never done that one

ladybug was on…i think yesterday.

I didn’t see her… unless it was when the forum was broken… lol
I have been trying to update on a different post every time they change… but I may miss some.

Yes LOVE the sales! I was actually sad they changed the algorithm I loved the game of catching the sales lol!


Tibby is on now

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I got 2 Scarlet and Elliot but I need to stop now :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

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So what ones are considered toddler?

Like I think Sweetie (21 in) looks bigger than Samantha (22 inch) but yet Samantha look older…

Samantha also looks older than Elliot, Easton, Grant, etc… but is smaller?

I think it depends how they are reborn cuddles is toddler size but if you look at all the pics of her at the bottom she looks like a five month old.

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Cuddles is on now

shoot - I missed Cuddles. Had to take my husband to Urgent Care.

darn hope he is ok


He just has a very bad time handling colds - - - they always go from his head to his throat and then into his chest and then he gets coughing so bad that it gives him head pain and he can’t catch his breath. So we just had to get a Z-pak and some cough meds to knock it out before it gets too bad.

I’ve been patiently waiting for princess pug kit. Going to make as a Boston terrier so we can auction off for the rescue. I’ve never stalked BB so much lol

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Last week i ordered an Asher awake kit cuz he was was on sale for $30

I am tired of seeing Sydney and the piglet. Wish people would buy them so we could move on. (hahaha)


Lol @judym I thought the same thing!!

I’m so mad at myself for not buying more Clyde asleep. I wanted him for my person collection but now I wish I would have bought one or two more! And I was holding out on jewel hoping she’d go on sale but I waited and now they’ve raised prices!! Grrrrr