Zombie babies are popular?!

The woman who bought my zombie baby wants to know if I have more. I had no idea these alternative babies were so popular. I made him as a fluke because I damaged a kit by mistake. But, I remember my Juan did not sell so I made him into a vampire girl and he sold right away. It was kind of fun to do, but I really like doing human babies.


I think it’s a bit of a niche market, but few people make them. Some people really love them.

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I work in a Childrens" Hospital in the ER and ICU and see real babies all banged up from abuse, accidents and disease. The zombie babies touch a nerve with me for that reason but each to their own. I prefer “cute” to “scary”.


I don’t have the experiences that you do but this is why I don’t care for them. I love fairies, princesses and pixies…cute “alternative” babies, but blood and gore, count me out.
There certainly is a market for them and the demand seems to be rising.


My zombies and Day of the Dead dolls do well. I wouldn’t recommend them for a children’s hospital, by any means! But for horror/spook/eclectic fans, they enjoy them a lot! I don’t do the hurt baby look. Mine are pop art fun, imo. Also, I make Hindu deities. I just love unique dollies. :slight_smile:


Awesome artwork. :heart_eyes:

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I love your pop art style dolls. So colorful!

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Thank you! :kissing_heart:

I work ER and I make horror art dolls. I don’t associate the horror art dolls to ‘real life’ trauma


Sorry, I have to give a Thumbs down on them.
God bless.

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Ya- I wish I could too -but my mind won’t forget what my eyes have seen. The real “zombie” looking ones I am fine with but some others really disturb me. I can appreciate the art though. Everyone has their own taste.


I love the creativity of all reborns. I have a special place in my heart for anything different, in all aspects of life including humans, lol. I find that I strive to be different and I love the thought process that goes into making the unexpected Realistic or Alternative baby.


I hear ya


Doesn’t bother me. No need to a apologize. It’s not a necessity to me, that everyone ‘like’ my work. I create my art for myself, first and foremost, so, I really don’t get offended if someone doesn’t like my art style. I realize everyone has different ‘likes’ and different styles, this happens to be mine


I made a zombie child doll. She is still not done tho, I need to make her outfit.

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