Yay! Just made my first Ebay sale <3

So my first reborn was a gift, my second just sold on ebay in less than 24 hours!! Champagne all around :wink: It was a Kimber Kit. What was your first kit reborn that you sold/ gave away?


Congratulations can’t what tell I can say that I walked away from my in the nuwave today and over cooked my head. I was so mad. I’m over it now but it’s frustrating but I’m really glad about your sale hope you have many more😀

Congrats on a quick sale! My first sale was my second baby as well, She was the Elsie kit :blush:

Oh my, only by luck have I not done the same thing or worse. I’m sorry,

Oh!!!:weary::weary::weary::weary:I feel your pain sister, burned my head yesterday! CONGRATS ON THE SALE!!:tada::tada::tada:

Congrats on the fast sale, Denise! YEA!!! :smile:

@Taz, so sorry about the over-cooked head. :frowning: It would take me longer than a few hours to get over it, though. :fearful:

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Congratulations on your first sale!!! It’s a great feeling to know you created something that someone else is going to get so much enjoyment out of. Good on ya!!!



WOOHOO, How exciting


Congrats on the quick sale!! I sold my second baby on eBay as well. Now I am patiently trying to sell my 3rd. He is such a cutie…much cuter than the one I sold…IMO.

@nikkiroc Did you burn the Celeste Head Nichole? I did the same as you prob know. I am waiting for a response from BB to see if they will sell me another. Are you going to do the same?
Debbie g.

No, I burned my Leah head:-( I am so sorry about your loss! But if bb only has one Celeste head its all yours!:smiley:

Congrats on the sale!!! :+1: The fist is always scary and exciting at the same time…


Congrats! I’m hoping for my first sale with my Levi OOAK sometime soon too. :grin:


Izzy are you new here? I have seen you on another forum but never on here. You sculpt right?

Yes, that’s right! I’m on REAL but decided to come here too. Seems like a really nice place so far.



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Are you going to try and get another Leah Head?

No! Jeanhai from this forum has fixed her head for me:-) so, I need to do a little touch up paint and she will be good as new:-) wow! Thank you SO MUCH for asking!!!

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