Xodus thinning oil is out!

These are all non-toxic so they should not bother you. I do not notice any smell but I have limited sense of smell since I had covid. They don’t make me cough and have throat burn or itchy eyes like Odorless Mineral Spirits does. I cannot use that stuff in any brand. This is why I use Citrus Solvent instead of mineral spirits.


I must have gotten a bad batch because my Xodus thinner has a terrible odor, almost brings tears to my eyes. I don’t care for the way it behaves with the paint and I had a terrible time trying to get BB Maggie to cure, in fact, her paint NEVER cured and I ended up tossing her in the trash.

I’m trying the thinning medium from Irresistables this week and it’s behaving more like Genesis. At least it’s workable.


It may be a container issue they had some jars that were not PET free.

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Hmmm, nice :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I am seeing a lot of people really like the IRHSP products. They are ok and workable but not my favorite. The paints are not heavy in pigment so it takes a lot to get the same color as Genesis. The matte varnish is nicely matte but has to be thinned down or it will flake up under stress like rooting or as in my case was squeezing the eyes to insert eyes from the front on a warm head. I have only used their thinning medium in with their paints and it works but it is stringy to me. Overall they are viable products though if you like them.


What is that “PET”? I tried to Google it and ir bring everything about pets and pet free hotels.

PET plastic (polyethylene terephthalate)

This chemical sucks all the oil out of Genesis products and dries them out causing a chemical reaction that ruins them. It has since been found to be true of the Xodus products. I also read a while back that some of the Phoenix heat set paints were ruined by the containers they were put in as well. It must be something in common in these heat set paints.


Thank you!

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Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I have a very good sense of smell and they don’t smell at all to me either. The only thing I can smell is what I’m pretty sure is actually the plastic bottle it’s in.