… 97.c0.m619
Love, LOVE this baby’s gorgeous skin tones!
Oh my! She is gorgeous… and she says she’s only been reborning for three years - amazing!
She says “children cannot play with this doll”… well, I think if someone wants to pay the price, they can decide if children can play with her!! She is gorgeous, but Olga Auer does some wonderful sculpts… Jaime was great and beautifully reborned…
I think this may be the same artist who did this wonderful baby from India sometime ago. Her work is breathtaking and I can only aspire to reach her level!
And just my personal opinion, I don’t think she is asking nearly what she could get considering what they are going for in some countries. As to no children playing with it – I can assure her that no child of mine would get to play with her – regardless of what I spent – there is glass sand in the limbs and cable ties that break, not to mention it is a piece of artwork. Probably not a great idea to give as a toy. But, she can certainly send her over to my house for me to play with!
Fantabulous! Again I ask: How’d she do that? Wow!
Wow She really does do beautiful work. That baby should go for a lot.