Worst part of waiting

My custom Amelia Rose should be here tomorrow or Wednesday according to the tracking thingy. Worst part of waiting is when you know the baby should be here anytime. Like I could wake up and she could be here. I am so excited!


Excited with you, lol. Can’t wait to see.

Lol. It’s like being in labor. It could happen any day. :smiley:

She is here today. Just gotta wait till the post office processes the mail around 1 pm.

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Déjà ? Wow, they are fast ! I really hope you like her “in person”! :smile:

I am sure I will. Thanks again!

She is here! I will post the box opening later. @Leabelle She is perfect! I love her! She is better than I ever expected. And I love the crocheted stuff! If I ever get another baby, I am gonna come to you!


Thank you so much ! I am really happy you like her ! I want to see her in her new bed now :wink::smile:

My mom just informed me that she is the same size as me when I was born. I didnt even know that when I chose the kit. lol

Some cute pictures I took


Thank you! I agree :heart:

Clothing change and nap time lol


Congratulations new Mommy, she is beautiful!

Thank you!

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Thought I would share Amelia’s new outfit with you all. She had another as well but this on is my favorite.