Wondering if someone wants to volunteer

I can see it now at the market it’s sat morning in the town square vendors selling fresh cheeses, meats, breads, pastries, beautiful fresh flowers and oh what’s this? Dolls, babies…hey somebody call the police!:laughing::joy:

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ROFLMAO… Yeah it could prolly go something like that… But you have the mood of the market pretty close… Add in a several hundred people selling antiques, cloth, clothes… If you can think of it… It is probably there… Except for something you have to have… Mostly items you just want… I will be hitting up some of these stands now… They have antique silver baby cups… Silverware… Brush and comb sets… Some really amazing stuff… And not that expensive…

We purchased most of our furniture over there. Now it is too big. We got our dining room set from Belgium Hubby thinks it’s a waste because we are rarely formal. I told him that I will get rid of that when I get rid of him which as threatening as that sounds, really means never. Now pass the China my dear hubby we’re having hamburgers!


Well I am super frustrated… Hubby isn’t knowledgeable with PayPal… He thought since his bank account was connected to it… They would immediately deduct it from his bank account… But after waiting a week and a half and my order still isn’t processed I am going nuts… Our bank shows the withdraw… And papal shows it paid… But the money hasn’t made it to the store… So I have to wait… We are leaving in about 2 weeks on vacation… So if my supplies arrive I still won’t have time to start working on my little girl kit… Until we get home… So for anyone new to PayPal and purchasing things online… Learn from my lesson… First transfer the money to PayPal than place your order… To prevent this extended waiting process…

I think my order is finally going to be delivered this week… It has been excruciating waiting so long… I could kick myself over and over not telling hubby to put the money into PayPal first… Very hard lesson to learn… I contacted the store today because our bank and PayPal showed the order was paid last week… They sent me their PayPal info and it shows that the order should be paid to them tomorrow… So I will get my stuff before vacation… But prolly won’t have time to start working on her… I will take video… I am so excited to finally be able to get started…

@ShaylaVale To answer this question;

“I have a few questions… I think I either read or saw that before using air dry paints that you needed to put a coat of “something” on it to help the paints adhere to the vinyl.”

Folk Art Glass and Tile Medium

That is not available here… But I was told that the type of paints I bought were specially formulated so I don’t need anything else…

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Finally my order has been processed I should get it this week… I ordered it on the 16th… Man what a wait… excited

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Yippee! Everything is finally here… Unfortunately I am heading on vacation in less than two weeks so I don’t dare start her… I did purchase an extra non-gender breast plate to practice with because it was cheap… So I might work on that a little… so excited


That is not necessary; if you also connect a credit card to your PP account the money will be paid immediately even if it is coming from bank. If you do not connect CC to the PP account the payment is called “e-cheque” and will take several days to clear, just as a cheque would. And transferring money to or from PP also takes few days, depending on your bank.

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We had a credit card connected to our account… We also had our bank account connected to our PayPal account… It took nearly 2 weeks…

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Call PP and ask them. Maybe Europe has different rules.