Wish me luck

Tomorrow I go back to Cardiologist to see if I can return to work. I feel good and am ready to get moving. Please wish me luck, some days I feel like I really need it~ :blush:


Even if you get the green ilght to return to work, remember to take it easy. It takes months to get back up to speed. Wishing you the best.

My prayers are with you. Please give yourself time to recuperate before you get too busy.

Deb, sometimes we feel ok but don’t push yourself, hearts are nothing to mess around with, if the DR. wants you to take it easy----LISTEN to him. Good thoughts sent your way.

It’s good to hear you are doing well. God Bless.

Best wishes! So glad you’re feeling better.

Sending you positive thoughts and loving energy that all goes well and you can return to work. Don’t be too gung-ho and take “baby steps” pun intended. LOL