WIP, new products, tendonitis, checking in!

Hi friends! I’ve been off the board for a while. The first two weeks of the school year is pretty intense, and I tend to hunker down and focus on nothing but my students.

Then Harvey hit- more hunkering. Our first week back to school began with a solar eclipse and ended with a hurricane!

I find myself still hunkered down, as people in San Antonio (among other places) are panicking and buying too much gas, causing a shortage. My thoughts are with those who have been effected by this storm. I’m making efforts at work to provide clothing and supplies to our new students who have been displaced. If you or someone you know has been evacuated to San Antonio, PM me and I’ll see what I can do to help.

At any rate, I just wanted to stop in and say hi! This forum has always been a place of comfort in stressful times :heartpulse: I’ll be working on this lil’ commission this weekend, since our trip to Dallas had to be postponed. Any advice/critique is appreciated! Still more shading & creases to go.

I also have new rooting products for my online store! I’ll be working on posting them. I was trying to wait until I had more mohair so I could announce them together…But I have developed tendonitis in my brushing elbow :confounded: Trying to rest it so I can recover faster and get back to processing. It’s hard because I have so much beautiful raw fleece waiting for me!! Have any of you dealt with tendonitis? Any advice? I should probably see a doctor, but can’t afford the copays right now. Hmm…

New stuff sneak preview!

I had no idea what topic I should post this under. I think I just wrote a novel. To sum up: HI! I’VE MISSED YOU!


Hi ! get better keep fast and strong it’s good to see you are doing well for the most part good thoughts for you and yours :smile:

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Thank you!! :blush:

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Great new products :grinning:! Have you tried a brace for your hand/wrist/ elbow? It can be very helpful!! I have a little mist spray bottle like the one in your pic and I love it!!!

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Thanks @Summer! I have a compression brace, but maybe something sturdier would help. I appreciate the thought!

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