Why are so many artists no longer putting eyelashes on their bubs? Babies even premature have lashes. To me they just don’t look real without them. Hardly any open eyed bub I see here have them now.
I don’t always put lashes on newborns, if I do it is very sparse and mostly on closed eyed babies. Some babies have very heavy lids, especially open eyed reborns, and some have a very thin area to apply lashes and the rooting needle sometimes tears at the vinyl. I never root in a crease. Newborn lashes are so fine, at about three months they fill in with real lashes. My pet peeve is new-newborns with thick black, long lashes, grrrrr…
At the end of the day it is up to the artist to add or not, I guess it’s all about the vibe you want.
My circus babies get zero lashes or all kinds of crazy lashes because its fun and I am not going for realism.
It’s all good, what ever you choose.
Lashes on an open eyed baby is not an easy thing to do.
If I can’t fit them on the lid, I at least try to do a little in the corner, but yes, I guess it is preference. I try to root or at least draw lashes for open eyed babies. Don’t draw them often but sometimes it works out better…
Beats me. Real babies have eyelashes (except maybe 24 week preemies) and I want my reborns to look as realistic as possible. I use applied lashes on open eyed babies but I glue them on before putting the eyes in from the back so you don’t see the strip the lashes are attached to. Badly rooted eyelashes are worse than no eyelashes at all IMO.
I like to use clear thread lashes, as you can’t see the strip.
All four of my nieces and nephews (and one cousin) were born full term without lashes!
I always do lashes on sleepers, but skip on awake newborns, start again at about 3m
If there are lashes, they’re blonde and short enough to be hidden under the lid
I feel the same way about No eyebrows and No hair, to me they just look unfinished. Most babies Do have hair (peach fuzz) at least, I can’t remember ever seeing a baby with a completely bald (just skin) head. Same with brows, they are sometimes so light you can’t really see them but they’re there. When I see a doll without hair it just makes me feel like the artist wasn’t very good at painting hair (like me) or they didn’t want to root. Anyway, IMO, they look unfinished. Again,this is just my opinion, not to make anyone angry. @Angeliquenz
As a collector and not an artist i can say i do prefer my open eyed babies without any lashes at all. I think they look better that way.
It’s so hard because a lot of babies(especially ones that will be blonde) are covered in fuzz, but it’s completely clear. There’s just not a way to replicate that(that I’ve seen). I definitely think it’s better to do light hair and brows than be completely accurate to real life, because as you said, they look unfinished without
I really dislike toddlers without eyelashes,
What @lynn said.
I usually do applied lashes on all my awake babies but the last baby I painted I opted for no eyelashes because of the way her eye sockets were. To me she is beautiful without lashes
You’re right on this baby for sure, I agree when they have eyelids that kind of “hang over” the eye a bit it’s really hard to do eyelashes. So these kind look fine without lashes but the little guy does have brows, that’s really important. BTW, adorable baby Julie!!
Thank you Lynn!
Isnt that Laura? Lol
It is! Definitely don’t believe everything you see