Why does the media

Ok, I’ve seen a lot of stories on TV and online about the ‘freaky’ side of reborns and whatnot, but this is by far the worst one I’ve seen. This is pretty much worst case scenario for a reborn collector, and except for this one woman, the vast majority of us are not like this! I really hate when this happens…


I agree. :frowning: Someone should do some happy stories on reborning


I sort of think it’s the medias job to seek out the loonies in all areas because it’s what the vast majority of other loonies want to read/hear about. It’s like that old adage that negative news travels faster and further than positive news, i.e The creepy doll people, the crazy cat lady…they way journalists find every stereotypic ignorant person in a 40 mile radius to interview on the 5 oclock news whenever theres an incident involving people or events that are already looked upon by society as something unsavory. No one wants to hear the feel good stories about the reborn artists who’s donating dolls to charity or to the Alzheimer senior center, or one who enjoys the hobby just because it’s cool! They only care to report on the loony-toon who neglects her real life children to push her dolls around the city in a pram and others of that caliber.

They don’t care about lady who risked her life in Oregon a few months back to save like 60 cats drowning in a basement after the homeowner flooded the house for insurance fraud. She saved the cats, had them all vaccinated and spayed/neutered and found good homes. She kept them in clean, safe and sanitary living conditions in her own house …on her own dime, not even the county animal shelter would help her because there would be no publicity or dollars in it for them. She had like a 15 sec claim to fame on the late late news, after that she was memory. Had she been some senile animal hoarder living with her cats in deplorable conditions the media would have been all over it and the story would have gone viral in an hour.

Perpetuating negative stereotypes is the sad world we live in unfortunately, and as long as there are crazy folks to fuel the fires they’ll keep on burning.


Unfortunately, “normal” does not sell magazines or advertising, but “crazy” does.


Do not read Daily Mail, it just full of such rubbish. Some people will do anything to get their 10 minutes of fame; she willingly posed for all those photos. Bet she is now getting heaps of hate mail for neglecting her kids. And it is quite possible that her kid’s idea of being neglected is not really realistic. I wonder who contacted the press.


Yes I noticed the older one’s tummy showing and pants saying “juicy”… a bit distasteful to me. My 12 year old surely wouldn’t wear anything like that… especially in front of a camera doing a story about us… lol


All my sweats are juicy. It is a popular brand… And quite expensive. If the kid is wearing 80.00 sweat pants, she isn’t neglected. Btw… I could live in juicy, it is amazingly comfortable and soft.

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Lolol sorry to get all defensive over my juicy couture. But I am so addicted to the sweat suits… I have about 30. So cute and comfy!!! VIVA LA JUICY!


I love the perfume Juicy Couture! I think it’s targeted for a younger crowd, but, oh well. I still like it!

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The pants do not actually say Juicy Couture, which most of their garments as far as I know seem to do, or some have just JC. These might be knock off. But the boots she is wearing look well made and they are not cheap either. And to say that her partner walked out on her because he did not like the dolls, what a lot of rubbish.


Good eyes Ludmila! Let me have a look at those boots!


Gives quite different meaning having juicy in that position on your pants and having the brand name there. :slight_smile:

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Oh… I didn’t think of that!!! :scream::flushed::flushed::flushed: you are totally right.

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Its a shame that would happen or interest someone to promote the story. Really those dolls , she got ripped they aren’t very good for the supposed price she paid, I really wonder if they didn’t just make that up to sell papers, can’t believe someone would do that.


I do not think she spent so much buying the dolls, but she spends lot of money buying designer clothes for them. :slight_smile:


I think you must be right, she could open a baby clothing store with all those clothes. I imagine she did spend a small fortune on all those outfits.