WHY do they

Keep messing with the forum? I hate the new format, especially the PM notification. It will sat I have 2 PMs but when I click on it, it just shows a list of old ones. I wish they uh d left it alone.


I’m not noticing anything different. What has changed?

Idk what all was changed, but for me, I’ll get numbers (notifications) on my profile pic on the top right of my screen. (This is via phone. Idk about other places…) But, when I click on it, my new stuff doesn’t pop up anymore, so I’m fairly certain I’m missing stuff.:frowning:

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I’m actually okay with it for the most part, and I usually hate change. Maybe it’s because so many sites change their layout at some point that I’m just finally learning to deal with it. I am on mobile, and I do notice it seems kind of wonky. Maybe they’ll straighten it out? It does take some getting used to for sure!

I access the forum on a computer and the only change I’ve noticed so far is they have reversed the icons in the upper right corner.

I haven’t noticed any changes other than the fact that you have to click on your avatar and then go to your profile to log off but then I am not a computer genius like a lot of you ladies here…and unless it totally changes the appearance or function it gets past me…lol

When I get the numbers on my pic, the replies(with the newest being at the top) appear when I click on my pic.

No your doing great. :heart:

Looks fine to me. We don’t make fun of people here.

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I actually used to love doing that.:weary: I miss my old life.

BUT, I am happy for my forum life:-)

Gracious don’t feel that way…we are all relaxed and evey one gets along…The nice thing about this forum is that everyone helps everyone…There are no ‘big egos’ or bad attitudes so we all have a really wonderful time…None of us are perfect and sometimes we all may make mistakes, say something goofy but every one seems to get along great like a big family…A whole heap of ladies are even planning to go to the Rose show and meet each other next year (wish I could fly over and go too :disappointed:) so just jump in… :smile:

Everyone has something to contribute - even if it is just something to make you smile…

Will look forward to seeing you more… :smile:

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Your message was perfectly clear - you did it perfectly. Don’t be afraid here. People are kind. Come play with us. If you do it wrong, oh well, just do it again. Welcome.

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Wait till you go over the 50 mark…It’s true what they say…every thing DOES start falling apart after 50…lol

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You’re very welcome and you’re doing great! and yes ,yes , YES we do love our reborns…There are lots of talented ladies on this forum…It is always fun seeing everyone’s babies (real and reborn…lol)

Perky??? I have forgotten what that means hahahahahaha!

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