Whose limbs are these?

I bought a box of reborning supplies on eBay, and there were two kits included with their COA… the first kit is Phoenix Arcello, and the head of the second one is Cassia Manning, but the second set of limbs do not belong to Cassia. They have “JD 562” engraved on them. Does anyone recognize these?


They look soooo familiar!!

I think you’re right!! Thank you so much!

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I almost bought that lot too :blush: Did she throw in some nice extras?

Yes! But there was a dead cockroach in the wrapping paper too… :scream:

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Oh yikes :scream:

At least it was dead :smile:


Good deal but eeew.

Man, some of you have some serious talent… identifying limbs. Wow. :smile:

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