Who's reborning right now while on here?


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Love the hair. What length will you keep it at? Where do you order your hair from?

Looking good


Canā€™t get over that smirk

My updated WIP


I like this post

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I need to varnish today and wait for my mohair to come. I might start another in the meantime.

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It will stay this long. The customer wants to braid it. He is a Native boy who will go to Pow Wows and wear traditional outfits, etc. :heart:

I bought my hair at Angora Mohtique.

But just ordered from Jeremy on facebook to be able to finish up. Angora was out of black and I have a bit left to go. Baby has thick hair! lol (havenā€™t recieved it yet,but hoping it will blend in well :slight_smile: )


I have two babies to root. One is almost finished and I will then get my first experience with mohair. Canā€™t wait to see if it is easier or harder than human hair

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Okay, canā€™t wait to see the after. How long did it take you to root it so far?

This will be my first time rooting lol. Iā€™m nervous but I have a test head and need to practice. :laughing:

Off and on since 4-18-17

Thankfully my customer is super sweet and patient

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Have a couple little sweets taking five right now to share and rest my eyes lol , looks like everyone is very busy making babies :smile:


Thank you :heartpulse: I just love this little stinker :blush:

Excellent work! Iā€™m amazed that this is your first reborn!!!

Iā€™m not reborning but I am crocheting and finishing up reborn outfits.

Who is that cutie!!! Awesome job.

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For once I am! Started on a play doll while cleaning up my room some. Just one I picked up at a thrift store for $2. Clean, rest, layer, rest,ā€¦sick again so moving slow. Photo before starting taken on tablet.


Itā€™s Lenox by Iris Klement :heartpulse: Isnā€™t his face just darlinā€™?!!
Thank you :blush: