Wholesale Site

So if we do not have a business license we will no longer be able to take part in any sales or coupons?? Am I uderstanding this correctly?

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It did sound that way to me. :frowning:

That will be the end of BB in my opinion. I’d never be able to buy


Well, that will pretty much solidify my no longer being involved in reborning .


Me also.

Same here

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I also know many people who paint as a hobby or only for themselves. This would ostracize them as well


This sounds like a way to kill a large part of their business. I don’t sell enough to warrant a business license here in Canada.


Me neither in US :frowning: this is very disappointing

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I only paint for myself. Guess I’m out! it’s kind of frustrating to be completely honest.


Im confused. Someone explain. Please.

Nevermind. Just saw it.

If there are no sales or coupons i will be buying from another supplier. I do not sell enough to warrant the expense of a business license.

I love the realborns. But there are plenty of beautiful non BB sculpts available from places like Macs and Irrisistables.

This leaves a bad taste in my mouth. So BB has some tax laws change and they burn all of their loyal hobby artists in order to save themselves money.

No thanks. BB will get no more money from me


According to Nevin’s announcement on the home page he will be creating a wholesale website without taxes on items for those with business licenses. All sales and coupons will only be available to those in the wholesale website. The normal website will never have sales.


I think they will lose a lot of business.


Totally get his frustration. I was happy selling things on Amazon until they started this tax nexus stuff. Some of us ran on pretty thin margins and just didn’t have the budget for worrying about taxes in 50 states… or whatever it was. I personally did not want the headache and quit.

That said, I do think this will hurt BB A LOT. I think that the vast majority of us reborn for fun or are hobby sellers. How many artists are going to get a certificate in order to get good deals on kits from one company? When there are multiple companies to get kits from.

I happen to already have this certificate for another business. Let’s see if it works for this.


Did you have to pay for a business license.? And does having one mean you must report sales to the irs?

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I can see why too. And i wouldnt care at all about the wholesale site if it wasnt for the “no sales and coupons.” On the regular BB site.

If i have to pay full price i will just buy a sculpted kit from Macs. BB regular prices are almost the same ss all tbe other shops. With Macs i at least get free shipping.


Yes, we pay for this stuff. There is a ton of licenses that we actually have to renew every single year. Can’t remember if this is one or not because I am not the one who does the renewing.

I have a brick and mortar business, so there is no dealing with a bunch of taxes from all over the country. I quit Amazon before I had to even deal with it. Just reading about it gave me a headache because there were too many complicated rules for different states.


I get them thinking that since we sell completed reborns, we must have a sales tax license or whatever, but most people do not reborn full time or even make enough to sustain. Personally, this is strictly a hobby for me and I do not depend on the reborn income for survival. I definitely think this will do way more harm to BB than good. I understand it’s unfortunate to work hard on the Realborns and to feel like people (in general) do not feel they are worth paying full prices for…


No license for me. I paint for myself, family and friends and give the dolls away as gifts for Christmas, Birthdays or just because I feel someone needs a break. I have bought quite a few dolls and have given away blank kits to my friends. I am not buying any more kits and will stop reborning soon. I come on here a lot just to see how you all are doing and how good you are getting, lol. But Nevin did say more info to come so we should give the Company the benefit of doubt. I don’t think they would let us down too hard. :slightly_smiling_face:


This will drive more and more people to buy counterfeit kits. Beginners, casual reborners those on disability for whom a couple of hundred dollars in sales will negatively affect their payments…all these people will no longer be able to afford to reborn without BB’s sales. Apparently a good time to call it quits