Who will be getting Greta by Andrea Arcello? Hmmm can I turn it down 😳

So many new kits coming out back to back :disappointed: I want them all lol


Passing!!! I’m going to try and not preorder anymore until Americus!


Aw man she’s cute. I just got an email earlier about her too, but it was after the email I got for Alexander and I already pre ordered him…no more preorders for me :frowning: Is Greta a LE?

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It says it will be LE but to be announced later

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Who is Alexander?? Where can we see him??

Damn. I gotta save my preorder money for the 10th. DO you know when she’s due to come in, maybe if they’re spaced out enough I can finagle another one lol. Alexander will be #3 on pre-order I don’t want to get myself in a jam if they all come in at the same time.

When is Americus coming out?

This is Alexander

He reminds me so much of Josiah by Laura Tuzio Ross


I don’t know!!! I think this spring… Or maybe I’m just hoping!

MacPherson’s just says coming 2016…lol I guess they couldn’t narrow that down any

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Oh and Scarlet is coming too!!


What do you think about Bonnie Brown’s Levi? He doesn’t have a preorder date yet, he’s in the sneak peek area, but OMG I love that little face.
I really like Monroe and Genevieve by Cassie Brace and Smilla by Sabine Altenkirch

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I want Levi too!!! Gosh there’s so many good one coming out

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I know, it’s a constant battle to stay ahead of dollie bankruptcy lol


This is soooo me I sold another doll last night and today I used the money to get 3 more kits haha.


That’s how it’s suppose to be…The sales feed the addiction lol. Which new babies did you get?

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Lelou by Evelina Wosnjuk,Juliet from BB and the discontinued Newborn Eliza and Just paid off Salor Rose.


Where did you get the newborn Eliza?

This one doesn’t really call to me so I’m lucky. I already have two pre-orders out.


Ohhhhh I had just talked myself out of pre ordering her and then saw this post and fell in love with her all over again. I have Evangeline, Mio an Mary Ann on pre order already!!! I need a money tree in my back yard just to keep up with my pre orders!!!