I’m busy picking out a sculpt for my first reborn since the original one I was buying fell through and it got me wondering…who was the first sculpt you reborned? Would love to see pictures, too! I know this forum is loaded with talented artists
bb’s Caleb
Aww, how cute! He’s so tiny
Thanks The lighting is bad in this pic,He’s not quite so red in person. Here’s a better pic
Oh wow he’s precious!
Thanks He’s a tiny little guy. I’d like to do another Caleb eventually. He’s a very cute kit.
BB Meg
For me it was Libby! The head melted!! LOL!!!
My first was almost 14 yrs. ago – a Berenguer rosebud face that ended up in the trash. NOW, of course, I wish I’d kept him, but at the time I just couldn’t stand looking at him and seeing all the mistakes. Ugh. Acrylics and wigs, those were the days my friend!
My first was Molly from BB.
My first was Kadence Pratt:
Eliza by Denise Pratt.
My first was baby Ruth (Crystal sculpt)
and she was ok, but not the best mohair. I have learned a lot since making her. I have only made a total of 5 babies so far. I gave 3 away to family and then I have my one keeper and then I have baby Ruth still for sale on ebay.Honey!
Kailen Pratt. She was my first and last. I stripped her soon after.