Who wants an OOAK by Izzy SILICONE?

I’d like to be notified also please. Thanks @izzy

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Me! Me! Me!

Please add me to your list.

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Add me to the notifications too please

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Add me to the notifications too please.

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Add me too please, Izzy

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Izzy, please add me to the notification list. Thanks

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how much are they

As a finished sili I’m guessing around $130-160? That’s a very rough estimate lol. I could be waaay off.


This little munchkin’s head is done! Hmm maybe that’s what I’ll name her…Munchkin lol.


Will you be making larger babies? I love it, but would want it to be at least 15 inches.

I’ve made a few life size heads before, they all sucked cause they were my early work. Then I made one newborn size baby last year, still haven’t finished the arms lol! That poor thing came out with so many moonies it looks like it has the chicken pox. I prefer the minis…I seem to have the worst luck baking the larger babies!


I understand. Definitely keep me posted on your work!

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Beautiful Izzy!!! Get that baby a Neck!!! lolololo Your sculpting is getting gorgeous girl----keep this up----you will definitely be famous one day soon!!! By the way, we are going to want vinyl kits of newborn babies from you in the future kiddo!!!

Lol one neck coming right up!

Thank you Lynn! I’ll think about those newborn kits. :wink:

Another one here to add to your list!

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Beautiful!! Very well done, Izzy!! :heart:

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Thank you Amy and everyone else who has commented on this topic!


Put me down for one too!

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Izzy you are so talented !! Add me to the list also please.

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