Who Shall I Work on First? Maddie Or Saskia?

Maddie is a big girl but I also adore Saskia😂. I am waiting for some paint colors but I can do some veining and undertones for now. Not sure who I should start on first. I am pondering about selling them as painted kits but either way wanted a preference on which to start on? Thanks!!


I would work on Saskia first just because the kit is less expensive if I mess up…I actually have both Saskia and Maddie sitting in a bin waiting to be reborned lol :heart:


Haha, yeah. I’m going to try a few different techniques with them. Going to try to make my layers more thin too but we will see. :joy:

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I think Maddie will sell faster… people are still about her. The saskia train has slowed way down . :wink:


Yeah, I’m going to sell them around the same time. I might take turns with them when painting layers. Haha.


I also like to work on 2 at a time :heart:


I work on two at the time as I am busy while parts are baking and cooling.

Also for me bigger kits are easier to reborn . I reborn 3 Maddies already and like 5 Saskia .

you will love them


Oh wow. I have already made a Saskia and Maddie but as my skill begins to grow my love for these sculpts haven’t changed :joy: Still love them lots. I agree, I feel like working on two at a time would keep me busy.

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Maddie would be it for me.


And Huxley is a close second LOL


May I ask you why would you try something new on expensive kits? Buy BB kit on sale, try it, and then progress to expensive one, unless you have money to burn of course…


My preference is Bonnie Brown sculpts. When I progress in skill, I would like to see it on those kits. My new techniques arent that different from what I usually do. Honestly I’m just changing the order I do things :joy:.

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