Who lives in Alabama? UPDATE

Awww, thank you!! How I wish!!! :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m in Birminghamā€¦Takiea Johnson


Welcome to the forum Takiea! :grinning:
And just so all of you ladies know, Takiea @PreciousGiftNursery is one of the sweetest ladies I know! She and I teach Toddlers Twos togetherā€¦so not only do I have the honor of spending several days a week with this lovely lady, we get to talk ā€˜reborningā€™ on a regular basis! How cool is that! :smiley:


Welcome @PreciousGiftNursery - Takiea.


Lauram Iā€™m also in Dothan!!!

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We need to decide on a date and place. Will Birmingham work for all? I think anyone in neighboring states that donā€™t mind drivng would be most welcome. Atlanta is only three hours from Birmingham, (I think).


I can check the Birmingham area and see what is available if youā€™d like. Do yā€™all have a preference?

Iā€™m okay with where ever you all decide. So excited!


Iā€™m excited and I canā€™t even come!!! Lolol


FOUND A PLACE! We can use the fellowship hall at the church where Takiea and I teach. They will only charge a janitorial fee. I think it is around $75. We need to settle on a date soon though so we can get on their calendar. The Fellowship Hall is huge and has plenty of electrical outlets for ovens. We will have use of the kitchen, too. Itā€™s really close to the interstate and centrally located to all the cool stuff to do. Yā€™all give me a choice of 3 Saturdayā€™s and Iā€™ll see whatā€™s available. I can do most any Saturday except June 11th. I will check with the secretary tomorrow and see if i can narrow down what is available.

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