Whisper , Zodi or Petunia!

Has anyone reborned the above and if you could only choose one kit which would it be?

I’d pick Whisper but its LE is long gone. Zodi would be next though. I’ve got a Shasta by M. Winters and the idea of inserting her teeny little eyes into that tiny head has scared me from the moment I got the kit. Love her expression but I think a sleeping mini would be a better one to do first!


Thank you for replying @2layz I was looking more to Zodi mainly for the better price.

Sorry again but what do you mean LE??

I really am a newbie haha x

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@2layz Just realised it’s ‘Limited Edition’ lol

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Are you looking on Marita’s site?

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Oh my goodness, they are wonderful! I love all three, hard to choose. But looking at them I would love to have one, but no more kits for a while. That is what I keep telling myself. Thanks for sharing @Shosho and sharing the link @jlesser


No I’m in Europe but did check them out on McPhersons


Bless you @AnnieSokay I understand I’m way over my dolly dollars or should I say Euro limit but I now neeed a fairy lol

I’ve just ordered whisper and will order Zodi next week x


Where did you find Whisper? :grinning:

No but i have a cute little Shasta fairy here that I did.
Shawna clymer has some other fairy kits that are still availabe though.

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I did zodi and absolutely loved her!

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@Summer I ordered her from Oncesoreal I was even more surprised when I got a free kits so real to go with the whisper order . Free kit was €79.90

Great service :heart_eyes:


How exciting :grinning:!!! Which free kit did you get?

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@Summer Sorry for the late reply , my whisper arrived last week and gosh so small lol . I am going to wait till I am past the beginner stage before painting him/her.
Oh and it was the Mathilda kit I chose


What an absolutely ADORABLE face :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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oh my gosh that kit is sooo darn cute.

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The prototype photo was cute with her little scrunched up face


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