Where to buy the best quality mohair

Just wondering where everyone goes to get A better quality mohair …the bountiful baby quality doesn’t seem the best…Any suggestions please and thank you

My absolute favorite mohair comes from Angela’s Premium Mohair AngelasPremiumMohair - Etsy
I’ve also used great hair from Golden Fleece https://www.goldenfleeceboutique.com and J’s Premium Mohair on facebook. (All 3 of the above are forum members as well). In a pinch I’ve used Angora Mohtique when everyone else was out. It’s good quality as well, although I seem to have more waste with them.


My favorite go-to is Silk Effex

I also love Angela’s Premium Mohair and A Plus Mohair


Just receive mine from Eureka Mohair on Etsy, it’s so soft ! Kid mohair is hard to root, but is really nice !

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I bought from @Rainbowbabies and @sugargliderus and both are soft, shiny and root well.


Thanks for the shout outs, @Bec1273 and @CindyLouWho!

And I’m glad you like the Eureka hair, @Leabelle. Alan, one of the owners of Eureka Mohair Farm, came from California to meet in Texas last summer. He spent two days with me learning how to process doll hair, and he became fascinated with reborns! I traded him a Clyde doll I made for some of his beautiful fleece :blush:

Yesterday I got to meet @anon37106488 when she came over to browse and buy hair. I’m so glad to have stumbled into this amazing niche and meet so many cool people!

I’ve got a whole lot of mohair almost ready to post on my site. Some is ready to be photographed tonight, and I have a bunch more just a few steps away from being done. I love to see the dolls that are created with it!! Thanks for all the support, y’all :heartpulse:

In the works…


Yes I remember saw a post about, with nice photos !

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Thank you I greatly appreciate it :slightly_smiling_face:I’ll Definitely check it out

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Thank you for the information I appreciate it

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That looks so soft thank you

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Can someone please explain to me the difference in the mohair. Kid, yearling, adult…etc.

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Kid is the first and second clipping of the goat. Yearling is the next few clippings and Adult is after that. Kid hair is very fine, Yearling is a medium hair (and seems to be the more preferred by reborners) and Adult is a little coarser. That’s the basics, I’m sure you can find better explanations though.


Thank you!