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When did PayPal start charging for Friends And Family?

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Do they?

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They charged me 5% on a recent purchase. That’s more than the regular fees.

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Must be a new thing because I wasn’t charged on one last week

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I called PayPal. They said there’s a ‘5% cross border fee’ when the payment goes to anywhere that the currency rate is different. The person you send it to does not get charged.


Oh that’s probably why I didn’t get charged then, mine was within the UK

I paid last week by F&F in US with no charge.

Oh, yeh, for international transactions they will charge the fee even if it’s F&F.

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My son sent me a friend’s and family payment the other day and it charged him $2.00. I didn’t get charged anything. We are in the US.

The first time I did a friends and family was this year and I was surprised to find out I was charged as well.

Well that would make sense for me then. Because I was sending my money to someone in the US and I am from Canada.

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