When will the nice long wavy mohair be available again?

I really like BB’s long wavy mohair. It hasn’t been in stock for a while. Any one know if they will even be carrying it anymore? Thanks!

Sorry i dont know. I stoped buying their mohair when they cut back the amount you get and raised the price. I bought from Cher instead.

how do i get in touch with Cher?

Just send her a pm. Cher_simnitt. She may not get back right away. She’s recovering from a fall.

That mohair was mohiarbydebbie .com i buy from her. I love it!!!

— Begin quote from “emeraldhillnursery”

That mohair was mohiarbydebbie .com i buy from her. I love it!!!

— End quote

Actually, it is:


That’s where we used to buy it. You can buy direct and save.

You can read more info about mohair here:


In particular, where we say:

[list]There are also several ladies on our forum that make and sell mohair, and some of our forum folks have had very good luck with hair from those ladies. If you look at the prices that those ladies sell it for, you can see we cannot buy it from them to resell it, for the simple reason that we would need to mark it up to a price that would not be competitive. And, judging from some of the comments on this forum, it looks like some of those ladies produce a very good product. We don’t feel bad at all if you find a good mohair supplier that way-- especially when it is also to support one of our forum members.[/list:u:4kqnzqoa]

Bountiful Baby

— Begin quote from “bbsupport”

— Begin quote from “emeraldhillnursery”

That mohair was mohiarbydebbie .com i buy from her. I love it!!!

— End quote

Actually, it is:


That’s where we used to buy it. You can buy direct and save.

You can read more info about mohair here:


In particular, where we say:

[list]There are also several ladies on our forum that make and sell mohair, and some of our forum folks have had very good luck with hair from those ladies. If you look at the prices that those ladies sell it for, you can see we cannot buy it from them to resell it, for the simple reason that we would need to mark it up to a price that would not be competitive. And, judging from some of the comments on this forum, it looks like some of those ladies produce a very good product. We don’t feel bad at all if you find a good mohair supplier that way-- especially when it is also to support one of our forum members.[/list:u:1x6ef5fd]

Bountiful Baby

— End quote

Nevin… you are a real PRINCE to come on the forum and freely offer support for our forum members… You all run a wonderful operation and comments like this keep me coming to BB first for all my supplies… Thanks

Well, I have purchased Debbie’s hair and it wasn’t that great. It was when BB handled it. I ordered a dark brown and rinsed it like it said to. After it tried, it was green. BB had me send photos and they refunded my money. It is very dry. So, I would be a little hesitant.