What's wrong with Sebastian?

What’s wrong with my little Sebastian? He’s been on reborns.com for 182 days without so much as a nibble or even a question. He’s not the prettiest baby in the nursery but I like him because he’s so ‘just born’ looking. I’m thinking of removing the umbilical cord (some people are grossed out by them) and doing a new photo shoot with more positions and outfits. I’m very patient, but even I’m getting discouraged on this one. What do you think?


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with him. I think he’s a little sweetheart x


It really is a matter of time before the “right” mommy comes along. Be patient. Once a week or so, put a link on your FB page to the reborn ad.

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Jean, I love him!!! I would think he would of been snapped up right away!

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I think hes absolutely adorable! But, the picture is a bit blurry. Maybe trying a new photoshoot would help. :slight_smile:


Snugglebuns Nursery


Thanks, everybody.

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I would say do a new shoot or just put a different picture as the one that shows. I shuffle my pictures around periodically because sometimes people are attacted to things that aren’t as appealing to me. Sometimes after I shift the pix, the baby sells right away. I am about to do some new photo shoots too because the babies I have up right now have really “slapdash” photoshoots and they are not selling. I think new shoots will move them as they are really cute. Yours is cute too. He may just need some excitement generating photos. Go for it. See if it does the trick.


It is magnetic and is easily removed. I explain this in my description but, as has been noted here before, people don’t always read.


I don’t see anything wrong with him…He’s adorable

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He’s really cute…just needs a new photoshoot.