Ok, may I ask a question here? What’s the fascination with these cuddle bodies?? I don’t understand why someone would take a doll with all it’s parts and use only the head!! Is it because you all have extra heads around because you have used the limbs on something else? Or are you just trying to make a more cuddly baby for a young child?? Is it because you are able to sell them much cheaper?? I can’t imagine why an adult collector would want to purchase a baby that is really only a head (unless it’s really cheap). Please don’t get me wrong, I think they are adorable and they do pose very nice, I just wouldn’t buy one for myself, I would rather have a “full” baby. Please someone set me straight cause I’m not getting this. I am NOT trying to make anyone mad so please don’t take it that way, I truly don’t understand the reasoning behind this. Explain it Please!!
I think they are great for kids and elderly.I would not root hair on them for a child or an elderly person though.Too many people allergic to mohair.I may make some to offer at Christmas,listed as for children or elderly.
For me I like the idea for my test heads that I ordered and there is nothing wrong with them. I wouldnt buy a kit for it and just use the head though.
Ok, you all make sense. Thanks
I have a head i did with airdry paints in 2007 to 2008 the limbs didnt turn out very good and having a hard time matching but I love the way the head turned out so I am thinking a cuddle body for it
I understand if you have a head laying around, I was thinking people were buying kits and only using the heads maybe? didn’t make sense.
A very long time ago,I made something similar for kids.I didn’t call them cuddle babies, of course.I used my pattern for the 1/4 limb babies and added a hand and foot to them.
This is a great answer and I very much appreciate it Anita. Thanks so much----so I guess you are living in the land of the “heads”!!! I hope you get lots of orders for these babies!! I can see that they would be very nice for young children.
On occasion they are called bundle babies. Been around for awhile I think.
I think they’re great for kids. They’re also wonderful therapy dolls. They are great for older people who want the therapy from a reborn, but cannot hold that much weight.
@wispywillowrebo You explained it sooo well!!! That is absolutely on point 100% !!!
Never thought about it that way, you could be right!!
When I came to the hospital after my granddaughter was born, they had her all swaddled just as she would have been in the womb. All you could see her little screwed up red face and you could not really feel her limbs. I wonder if it would work just to make a sac with beads wrapped in blanket and permanently stitched.
The idea of painting just the head is very attractive to me, frankly, I am too bored with the limbs. But making the a whole cloth body is also not something I would particularly want to do.
If you can sew, the bodies look like a Waldorf doll body. You could get a Waldorf pattern. They have the jointed seams as well. They look identical to me.
I have noticed several of those type babies on Ebay.The lady was selling them for probably what she has in them.They were less than $50 with shipping.Her heads looked like they have practically no paint though.Very, very light.Search bundle baby on Ebay,maybe she still has some listed.EDIT:::My mistake ,she is calling them cuddle babies.No body though,looks like a sack body, maybe, wrapped in a blanket.
What is a Waldorf doll?
I have this kit. They are made from wool and pretty expensive (about$200-$500) . I have not made her yet but her body looks like the cuddle baby don’t you think?
Oh and it’s made from soft jersey material called “baby skin”.
I had an extra head from a customer that used the kits limbs for another baby and used the limbs from that kit and bought an Adrie “head only” so I had an extra head.
Plus they are super soft to cuddle! I totally see the appeal
I think it’s to each his own
Especially when kits are like 14 bucks, who cares what you do with the limbs!
Here’s my cuddle Logan look how cuddly lol
He is very cute!!