What's the fastest?

Hi guys. I have so many kits, I have to produce some babies, I been working on this ethnic kit for like a week now and still have tons to do. What’s the fastest Caucasian and/or Ethnic Reborn you guys have completed from start to finish?


Including rooting? :joy: Weeks


Ha. Right? I know someone completed a saskia on here in 24 hours she did a great job too… I wish!!


Fastest Caucasian was about 7 or 8 days with painted hair. It was a nice German kit that had color to it already. Can’t answer about the ethnic babies… I’ve stripped them all.


I can not do them fast …rooting usually takes a week or more.

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It takes me about a month. And that’s not including rooting! I usually do Prisma hair now because the rooting takes me weeks. Maybe I’m just slow at it :roll_eyes: Or it could be the five kids… The goats? The bunnies? The dog? Lololol


2 weeks would be the fastest! And if it’s a baby I am really in love with.


Wow the goats? U live on a farm?

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I have 3 little ones and 2 dogs, but I’m also a foster mother and 2 years ago I had 5 children at the same time all 4years old and under…that was quite am experience! Lol. I don’t know how you do it!!


I finished painting in 3 solid days once. Long long days. Hair is another story. Usually it takes me a couple of fun weeks to paint. And a couple more dreadful weeks to root. But I’ve taken a real liking to painted hair, if you can imagine. That usually takes me a few days to get it right and done.



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I use to foster and one time we had my kids 11,4,and 3 years old and a sibling group of 3 5,3,and 2 years old.
Then 3 babies under 1 and my 3 kids. It was crazy busy but I loved it. However I don’t think I could have found the time to reborn. You most really love reborning :blush:


Like @Mommy2six it takes me around a month, but a Caucasian bald baby can be done in a week. This is only when I’m on vacation. The rest of the year I can hardly finish one. They take forever and I loose interest. I have a few half way done put away waiting for inspiration.

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My goodness! That was quite a full house! I love fostering as well but a break for a bit in between childen would be nice also. I hope the next child I recieve will be born to me. I so want another biological child. For now I reborn! :wink:


Aww bless your heart @BabyCakesReborn. I’m done with giving birth we are contemplating adopting a little girl. That was the plan when we started fostering. We wanted to add a girl to the family and make it even 2 boys and 2 girls. Sadly it never happened we did came close to adopting a boy, but at the last minute he went back home. Now we are looking for a girl around 6- 9 to adopt. The only babies in my house would be my reborns or eventually the grandkids.

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Yep! Every day is a busy day! Just now crawling into bed :laughing: We live in a small farm. A hobby farm you could say.

That sounds busy! All the young children! My oldest is 13 now, so the kids are starting to help out more.

I think I finished a painted hair baby in 3 days about 4 years ago. A lady asked me to make one for her daughter who was having her tonsils out in about 3 days. I stayed up late every night after working all day and got it finished. She came out pretty good. :blush:


3 days for a rooted Lexi. I worked almost non-stop to meet a Christmas deadline and then hand-delivered the little one. Other than that, a week is the fastest I’ve ever done one, but generally it is 2-3 weeks.


Mine take a month and a half, I take my time but I have only sold to family so far.