What would the bid be on these Got it Thanks

I have been ask about a few of my babies and as I do not sale them as a rule I need to see if what I offered them for is in the right park :smile:
If she wants girl slap some clothes on it
Miranda awake



Summer Rain

Tow head Clyde


Your babies are precious. I have not sold any babies so I have no idea what they go for, but I just wanted to let you know you did a great job!


Thank you ! I have sold a few but I am not selling on a regular basis if someone comes to me and asks kind of thing lol most of my babies are made just for my pleasure or for family .


I’ve only made 1 and that was for my daughter. But from what I see on reborn.com the average price seems to be $300. So I’m sure you can easily get $350+ !! There great!


Thanks ! for the encouragement I appreciate the feedback .

I have only made for family and friends so far. I am about to start my 4th one for my friends granddaughter. I get pleasure from creating them. I think selling them would give me headaches…


Exactly my thoughts on the whole thing LOL however if you have someone asking for them it is a bit hard to ignore :smile: you figure hmmm I must have done something right .


You did a great job! Take a look on reborn.com to give you ideas on how to price :heart:


Thanks ! but you should know I am lousy at sales and underestimate everything I do I think judging by what I have seen so far I priced just a tad low :blush: no problem as long as I get what is invested back I will be good .
It is one of those friend of a friend family things LOL they see what my family have and oh I want one of those .


So I just sent her one more to pick from that gives her five to choose from if she cant find the one she loves from them I told my family member take her to reborns.com I don’t do this on a regular basis and all my babies thought they were home already :smile:

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Your babies are very nice. I’d sell them between $300 and $350.

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They are all very well done. I would start at 300 for sure. I have not sold a baby either. They have all gone to close family.

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Thank you I appreciate your input !

Thank you ! seems you are in the same boat as myself while I have sold some it hasn’t been on any large scale or even intentionally .

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I started reborning in 2016. I’m thinking about starting to sell but the horror stories keeps me from taking the next step! Your babies are wonderful, you are past ready!

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Thanks I have the same thing going on not interested in being hung out to dry just because I can be wet behind the ears :joy: .
I just sent the pictures and quoted a price which it seems is lower than it should have been lol but my family member has my work in her possession so she knows what kind of work I do .
If she doesn’t buy oh well my babies have a home right now and I wont throw them out in the street so there safe .


I was reading this and it got me to thinking I know bad thing to do LOL but I have been making dolls all my life it seems I made paper dolls as a child for myself and others , later I started making apple dolls , then of course my real babies count :smile: afterwards I made soft sculpt dolls like the cabbage patch , acorn head dolls then many moons ago I discovered the reborn so yeah I have really been into dolls all my life I just didn’t know it .


Lol. I used to make these devil claws into dolls. Stack one on top of the other. The top big section was the head, with the branch things being the arms. Then the other weed’s big section was the torso, with the branch things being the legs. They weren’t the cuddliest babies in the world. And not one of my siblings could ever see a doll in my sculpture. But I bet y’all can see what my little brain was seeing. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Not so much LOL but I also as a child made dolls from a flower you took the bud before it bloomed and a bloom using a twig or tooth pick you attached the bud to the bloom and added stick arms through the calyx made a lovely lady in a flowing dress my mother showed me that one Bless her .
This one the rose of Sharon

They wilted eventually but you could depending on how many blooms were on the tree make many more of course I am sure you didn’t have that problem with your babies :smile:


We didn’t have enough flowers around to play with. We had to settle for weeds and dirt clods. I guess we could have played with cow patties too. But we never got that desperate. :joy: