What varnish to use to paint hair?

I am still new to making reborns dolls. I am on my second doll. But i was wondering what type of varnish can you put on the head? To be able to either use prisma color pencil/to paint hair. I have some DecoArt DuraClear Soft Touch Varnish. I heard a few people using it. If any one has any advice i would greatly appreciate it.


Angie would know the answer to this. Did you paint with acrylic or Genesis?

Duraclear matt varnish is great, but soft touch doesn’t provide enough grip for pencil. Don’t need varnish before painting, but before pencil. After, any varnish is ok, lot of people like Soft touch.


If you are doing the Prisma Pencil any matte or ultra varnish should work to lay down some tooth to take the pencil better. Then final seal with the varnish of your choice.

If painting the hair with acrylic paint, I like to use RebornFX Sealer first so I can then add some retarder to my hair paint to get more working time and remove mistakes without removing the head paint.

You could probably Prisma Pencil over the RebornFX Sealer too but I have not tried it.


I use tge reborn fx sealer+ varnish all in one and it’s wonderful with prisma

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I have used that varnish to seal hair at the end because it has a good bit of sheen which is ok for hair but too much IMO for the skin of the baby. I have a couple big bottles here of it that I am not using if anyone wants to buy some.

Yes it’s shinny but I use it just as a base coat for the grip. I use soft touch varnish over when I finish the hair.
