What sells better blonde newborn or brunette

I did manage to get fairly thin hair on my Enya. But I have no idea how I accomplished it. Hoping to get this same look for my Jaycee.


Awesome you go girl, seems like you mastered it! I hope I am next! This tutorial is having me map and root very different than I usually do…I am too tired now going to start her tom.


Don’t know how but I think so lol Good luck with the tutorial! I map differently every time lol


Me too! :crazy_face::blush:

Awww what a sweetheart, that’s a great sparse rooting!

She’s gorgeous!
I think brown would look good as well.

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Okay I am done with my first attempt at sparsely rooting. I have to admit it took so much restraint lol. I wished I would have chose a shade or two darker but this isnt bad.


I think it looks really good!

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Thank you! I am so used to thicker rooting she looks so bald to me lol. But this is how my family’s babies hair is IF they have any lol