What sales venue is working

Is anybody selling in any venue right now? What’s working for you. Reborns.com is very quiet right now. I am not even getting any nibbles. How is Ebay? Etsy? Reborn Connection? etc.? If anyone is buying anywhere except Facebook, let me know. I don’t have a dolly facebook page.


I don’t do ebay but I do sell on Facebook, etsy, reborns.com, and the marketplace. All are very quiet for me right now. I’m hoping with refund season I will get some sales.


There are groups to sale your reborns in on facebook without having your own page that is how I made my first sale last week. I use a couple here are the links… Buy and sell reborn dolls | Facebook Redirecting... It has also helped with my nursery page since I posted in the groups my page has had a lot more views.


RebornMarketplace.com Has sold me three this month. Two from the listings and one who was not listed, but buyer asked to see pictures and took it as well.

Instagram seems to also have it’s own marketplace. Also, Depop I’ve heard that it’s good and has no fees or something like that.

The place where I have sold the most:

Believe it or not.


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Facebook so far has been my best outlet rather it is through groups or just posting on my FB (Facebook). It has been rough on EBay even Etsy. I don’t use reborns.com.

Facebook and reborns.com are working for me. I had a lull, but things are looking up!

Thanks everybody. It looks like FB is everybodies fall back and I don’t do FB. I have a personal page but not a doll page so unless I make one that doesn’t work for me. :confused:

There’s reborn groups you can post too. I 100% suggest a nursery page on FB. Typically that is the first place people will look. For instance if you sell on reborns.com or wherever people are going to search more than likely for additional works on FB.

You can post a photo of your doll on your FB page and add a link to your reborn site.

I direct people to my nursery page on reborns.com. Since I usually sell there that is what is on my biz cards too. I just don’t understand why anybody would ever look for my facebook page. Facebook and I do not have a love-love relationship and it confuses me a lot. :confused: