What price?

Can any of you give me your opinion on a price range for my Ruby? I do think I need to darken her brows some though.


She’s gorgeous! 1100.00 start

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Ohh thanks!

Your best yet! WOW! :two_hearts:

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Thank you Karen!

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Pretty baby, and I agree, darker brows would look more natural with the rest of her coloring. That would make her really striking! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Agree with darker eyebrows and wow like $895+ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Gorgeous work :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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She is beautiful! I do think her eyebrows a little light for her dark hair, as well as her lips, IMO.


I agree

She’s gorgeous!!! WOW! Don’t list her for under $1k. I like her brows as they are personally! But if you think they should be darker, darken them :slight_smile: she will look beautiful either way. Love all that hair!

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Awwww thank you so much!

I’m gonna go out on a limb here BUT I disagree with the prices some of the ladies are telling you. I don’t want to be a jerk but I really don’t see much color on her hands OR feet, they both look very pale. I agree with darkening her brows a little, I think that would add more ‘life’ to her face and maybe a bit more blush on her cheeks. NOW, let me say she is really cute and everyone’s opinion of art is different so that is JMO, I think you could actually make her more “OUTSTANDING”!!


Well I did rush to show her. I agree on the hands and was planning to tweak them.

Good, I’m glad to hear that cause I think you can take her to another level!! Thank you for not taking my suggestions the wrong way. Can’t wait to see her all ‘tweaked’ out!! lol

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I will get her to perfection and show her again lol


Can’t wait-----I got faith in you girl----bring on that beauty!!