What other limbs would look good w thumb-sucker Sofie head?

I have a ypung girl who wants a Sofie, but she doesnt have much $$. I have some limbs hanging around the house- I just need the head. Do you think Punkin/Puddin limbs would be good>? I need something with the little thumb she can put in her mouth. Any feedback is welcome. Thanks girls!

Shyann, Jaden, and Honey/Sugar all have thumbs out and are 19-20 inch babies. AND you can get them as spare parts off of BB.
Hope this helps ~

Thanks Marcy- heres what I’m wondering- you know how she has her thumb in her mouth? do you think they will look as good as the original ones made for her, like the thumb will fit in there and stay like in the pic

I did a Sophie once and the thumb doesn’t actually “fit” into her mouth, it just kind of hovers. It doesn’t stay in, you have to prop her that way. Thats why I think any of these other three would be just fine.

I was implying that the thumb is not a tight fit. The mouth is not like it is closed around the thumb. It doesn’t just stick in and stay, she has to be posed to make it stay in. At least thats how mine was anyway.

Ooh thanks for the advice