What kit is this? Please help

I bought her off eBay like 6 months ago. It was a splurge buy and I thought she was the Adeline by Ping Lau. Now that I took her apart (i was planning on repainting her) I think she is a china kit. Uhg. Can anyone help me? I love the way this doll looks but I won’t want to keep her if she’s a stolen sculpt.

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Resembles BB Gabriel but not great on these things

I think she is the knock off kit of Adeline. The kit prototypes all have open hands…


Knew you would get it that is exactly what it is :smile: said I wasn’t great at this lol

Found a kit listing of the knock off kit and it matches your’s limbs :frowning:
Also the proto pic is stolen from April @sweetiepieapril :unamused:


Darn. Thanks for the info. I was suspicious it was a knock off. Now what to do with her??

Fix her and donate her to a dementia center for the residents.


Unfortunately, I had purchased knock off a long time ago. So, it’s one that i will never sell. I was so in love with the face that I didn’t realize that the limbs were totally different. Not only different style but i think the vinyl is a different batch. Not saying the quality is bad but something that is totally unacceptable all around.

My question about knock offs like this one is, if it states the artist and kit name, is it still a knock off or did the artist sell that company the rights?

If she is for you and not for sale,re-do her and enjoy.

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I like that idea. I’m not selling her, she was for me.

Why do you think it is a knock off? Who sold it? It may have been accidentally mixed up kit; so many people do not mark their kits and then have no idea what is what.
I usually do mark my kits as I get them and inspect them for faults, but it happened to me at the time when I went through my considerable stash, that in the end I ended up with 2 same kits, but one had different limbs. They were all by the same sculptor. I assume somewhere in the past year I used wrong limbs on other kit. I have no idea which one; I went through all my sold doll pictures, and compared them to the prototypes. The only other option was that the one kit came with wrong limbs; it came directly from the sculptor.

I looked up NPK dolls. I have always thought that NPK was another Chinese company. This is what I found. If you look at the bottom, it appears it is China.


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OK I did not know that company, they definitely are the Chinese. But surely they could not be so brazen to use Sheila’s name? I would ask her.

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I didn’t mean to say that one was a knock off. Although now I look it reads that way. I was just wondering if it was. That one is on the Aliexpress website and that’s how it’s listed. I thought i read somewhere that some of the artists did give permission for chinese companies to sell their kits.(but don’t quote me on that) I guess the safest way to get an accurate answer would be to ask her directly as you suggested. The kit i bought was from that same website and I’ll post the pics to show what i mean. The limbs are numbered differently from the head. The color looks the same but the head feels stiffer than the limbs. The limbs are actually very soft. There is multiple listings for this kit. Some do have the original looking limbs and some look like mine. I didn’t catch it till after the fact.

the limbs say DDAC#2 and the head says TY 1704 then it looks like C10A on the side of the neck. I have no idea what all those stand for.

They are, they will do anything for a quick dollar. The laws are different there as far as trademarks and copyrights. They even steal photos!

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AliExpress is similar to ebay, they both sell the knockoff kits.
In China, there is no such thing as copyright. They feel you can’t steal an ‘idea’. For them this isn’t a moral problem.
This has been a major problem with all sorts of famous brands.
NPK is one company that sells a lot on Ali express, you can expect all their ‘reborns’ and kits to be knockoffs. I once bought a doll from them (unrelated to reborns, before I knew what they did) and even the certificate was clearly a fake.

I’ve read that before, so I guess no matter how bold they are using an artist name it’s probably illegally made in our eyes. Come to think of i tried to order a pair of Nike’s for my daughter and they were really cheap of course no response and the payment page looked weird. So, i cancelled the transaction. I did read that Nike is the #1 counterfitted item. So, I guess if they are going to put Nike on their shoes they can probably do the same with reborns. I did also read that the quality of the fake Nike"s is just as good as the real thing. that’s how they get away with it. You can’t really tell the difference. Some people justify it by saying Nike charges too much, which is probably true and that’s why the demand is there for fakes. So who is really wrong? Maybe both sides in this case. IDK I don’t wear Nike.:thinking:

Yeah, it happens a lot with Nike.
I’m not sure about other countries, but in my country it’s illegal to buy counterfeited items. This means that if I bought fake Nikes and customs were to open the package and see them, I could get a crazy high fine. Now this is of course subject to whether or not they know the brand, but it’s not a risk I’m willing to take.
If you were to buy something like that, make sure you know the rules of your country.

I thought I was getting lucky,but then it started look too shady for my tastes.