What is the most important lesson with reborning that you can pass on to help other Artist

It seems to me that there are so many horror stories that Artist have had to deal with Reborning.What can you share that made a positive difference for you?

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The most positive thing I can say is that reborning gives back much more than it takes…Not only does it feel really good when you are done and you look at the new creation you have just made but the happiness that it brings to many other ladies is what makes it most rewarding…I have had some really beautiful emails from ladies that actually brought tears because you can actually hear the joy your baby has brought into their lives…AND…repeat customers are the greatest…I have quite a customer base of regular customers who have been buying my babies over the last 6 years…They are amazing women and they know how to make you feel on top of the world…I get regular ‘update’ photos from some of the ladies when one of their babies gets a new outfit or a new bassinet or whatever and it sure makes you feel wonderful to see them in their new environment (and being spoiled)…heehee :smile:


Thank you so much for sharing that! it really makes me feel great that we can bring such happiness to others! I just love that! I hope that I can make more people happy than not!

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I think the greatest lesson I have learned is that when you share knowledge and information freely with people who share your interests, you only gain. I remember when I was doing porcelains, every piece of knowledge seemed like something hidden and arcane and only accessible to people in the know. With this forum, I have discovered that when everyone shares it doesn’t make a whole bunch of babies that are just alike. That was the big fear then. And it doesn’t make it harder to sell the babies we make. In fact as we all get better, we sell better too. And the friendship and comraderie of like-minded others is so precious. I have not been reborning as long as Starr, but I have already had some of the same experiences too. It’s just life-changing and amazing. I have a lady who wants me to do portraits of all her children over the next couple of years. She is so excited about the baby she bought first and I am working on twins for her now. I look forward to her emails and she looks forward to mine almost every day. This is a precious world where we can do something we love and bring joy and sometimes healing to others.


I totally agree about repeat customers ~ I LOVE getting pics of my babies from people who have adopted them. It’s so much fun to see them displayed and loved. Does a body good. :heart:

I don’t really have any horror stories, thankfully, but as far as advice, I’d say THIN, THIN, THIN layers of paint…did I mention THIN??? Don’t get in a hurry, thinking the thicker the paint the quicker you’ll get done: NOT TRUE. You’ll be sorry if you gob on the paint too thick ~ it’ll come out of the oven and CRACK. Ask me how I know this…sigh…

Also, don’t try to finish your reborn in one day. Your work will show it. I see so many babies out there for sale where it’s obvious they’ve only got one layer of flesh, the hair is pluggy and/or matted, and there is either too much or not enough mottle/blushing.

Good reborning can NOT be rushed. Take your time, enjoy the process, and you’ll have something in the end that you can be proud of!

Keep track of ALL info pertaining to your sale ~ tracking numbers, etc. because you just might need it. One never knows in this crazy business when you might have to prove delivery to PayPal or Evilbay.


I have only done 5 dolls, but my key first lesson was do not over tone mottling. I had also mixed textured skin too soon. Then painted over that. Oh Oy, my blessing was 3m paint stripper. I stripped my first completely. From there he was beautiful. I know I was also rushing. :wink:

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Remember that you aren’t in it for the money. Don’t give your work away, but also understand that unless you’re name is Romie Strydom, (or you can sculpt like Izzy), you will most likely never make enough money at this craft to support yourself. You do it for the love of the art and for the happiness you provide to those who see and/or adopt your baby.