What is going on with kits?

I have not done any reborning for almost a year now, and so i decided to get some kits and start doing something. To start with i have not really seen any kit that really grabs me, but finally found some I rather liked, but then I noticed that all said something along the lines: “if you heat this kit we are not responsible for any problems like cracks or black spots that may arise”.
In the decade that I have been reborning I have worked on several hundreds of dolls, and out of those I can only think of 4 that developed the dreaded black spots after baking. Two of those I was able to work around, for the other 2 I got a replacement part. There were another 2 that already had very obvious faults before I started painting. So it was hardly a business destroying problem for the kit producers. The question is if it is the sculptor who is now refusing to replace faulty parts or is it the stores?

Has there been increase number of problems in kits in the past year? With our Australian dollar so low most kit cost me just tiny bit under $200 and I really cannot afford to be writing off this kind of money. I also have enough Genesis to last me another decade and am in no mood switching to airdry and trying to work out how to use them. So basically, if anybody puts that sort of disclaimer, I click the back button.


It’s not that the quality is worse. Vinyl simply isn’t meant to be heated and problems can occur if you do. The manufacturer is just saying they won’t give refunds if you use their product the wrong way. Otherwise they’d have to refund if you melt your kit as well, even though the manufacturer can’t do anything about that.


I have to agree that its odd. They know most. Not all. But most of us use Genesis.
Seems like they are just not willing to stand behind their products. Granted. If you full on MELT a kit…well its really messed up to hold the store responsible.

Perhaps that’s what was happening. Inexperinced reborners melting kits and expecting a replacement.


Vinyl was never meant to be heated. Thus problems can arise from it such as air bubbles that were not seen in the vinyl suddenly rising to the top and popping open, or specks suddenly appearing, spots of discoloration and so on. This can be very costly to sellers to have to start replacing kits for such issues. Also, newer vinyls are softer and more prone to melting or going shiny from heat setting. It is not fair to expect a seller to replace a kit for something that happens to it after it has been heat set. Therefore, they are all stating this now. Regardless of what anyone is doing now days in regards to painting reborn dolls, Genesis paints were NOT originally designed to be used on vinyl dolls and vinyl dolls were NOT originally designed to be heat set. So we are each taking our own risks when we do so. It is not up to the seller to cover that.


While I totally agree with this, I do think it is odd that the companies will sell GHSP and market them for reborners and then say vinyl is not meant to be heated.


I think too many people were requesting refunds for small issues that arose after baking.


If heating it is such an issue. Then stores have no right selling Genesis as reborn paints. Sell a heat set paint and then tell people they can’t heat it?
To be fair. Acrylic paint isn’t meant for vinyl either. Vinyl is oil based. Putting an Acrylic paint on it means it can crack or peel off. Just because it CAN be used because people found ways around it to get it to stay. Doesn’t mean that’s what its meant for.

It goes the same for Genesis.


Well said, Angie! The main reason I refuse to use heat set. Just the things you mentioned.

Which paints ARE manufactured for vinyl?


None. That’s my point. Lol


These may not be for dolls, but they are for vinyl: Paints formulated to adhere to vinyl are made from 100 percent acrylic or urethane and acrylic resin blends.

Edited to add: https://www.hunker.com/12000341/will-paint-adhere-to-vinyl
This is a page with info on painting vinyl. It sounds a lot like what we use to paint the dolls in air dry.


That may be.

But if stores are not ok with us heating the parts. Then they should not profit and sell heat set paints. If they don’t want us to do it. Then fine. But remove all mention of it. Otherwise that’s messed up.


That would be a fun experiment, outdoor vinyl paints. But isn’t that what GHSP’s are? An acrylic resin blend.

I am wondering if you are talking about the soft line dolls. Those are the only ones I have seen that warning for.

It costs 200 bucks a kit for you?

What if you had someone send you a box of kits that they buy on sale? I think you can get 3 kits in a flat rate box that is 90 bucks to Australia. Does it cost that much to get babies from BB to Australia?

That doesn’t seem fair at all.

I came across some paint that was formulated for “shoe artists” and designed to adhere to vinyl or leather. I really wanted to try it on some doll parts, but it was very expensive. I cannot remember the name right off. I actually never knew that people customize shoes with art. That said, I can see the issue here from all sides.

I’m just curious, do you know how reborning with Genesis got started? I never used heat set so I’m clueless. Just wondering

I do not know who it was that first tried the Genesis paints.

As far as the questions about why sell Genesis paints and then say they don’t guarantee the kits against the Genesis paints, it is still a high risk guarantee with a lot of room for user error. I would just bet they don’t guarantee a kit against air dry paints either if air dry paints were known to damage the vinyl in any way. To my knowledge though, air dry paints do not damage the vinyl with the exception of some possible staining if you decide to strip the kit.

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@Gabriell I think all of Macpherson’s kits say that!

No, that is not what the disclaimer says; it clearly states that such manufacturing defects like bubbles and black spots will not be compensated for if you heat the vinyl. Obviously nobody is going to ask for free replacement for melted kit. I am sure most people wold be even happy to pick up the postage cost for replacement limb rather than having incomplete kit.


No, that is not what I meant. Our dollar is much lower than US$, that means that US$70 kit costs me $100 and postage to Australia is also expensive. The kits I was looking at were more like $100 plus US and with postage they were close to 200 Australian. It does not matter who sends it or from where. The one kit I just preordered from local seller will be also so much. Thanks for the offer, but also they would have to be first sent to your place, so that would add more .