What Gets your Creative Juices Flowing?



Sometimes I like silence too- just to be alone with my thoughts and concentrate on what I’m doing. I like that I don’t have to think about anything else but painting. I also like smooth, Latin jazz. @HouseofDolls , see if you like this… 2016 "Triste" ALBA ARMENGOU SANT ANDREU JAZZ BAND (JOAN CHAMORRO DIRECCIÓN) - YouTube


Silence for me too.

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I listen to pandora or I watch something mindless on Netflix. :slight_smile:
Or I have my kids sit with me and we watch something they like.

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I actually prefer quite.

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OMG YES MA’AM!!! Brazilian Jazz is amazingly electric. I like a lot of vintage Brazilian Jazz too. Check this one out


LOVE Stan Getz! I have him on my Bruebeck channel. And Paul Desmond. I’m not super old, LOL, just grew up listening to the older jazz with my grandad. He had those guys on all the time. :grin:




Youtube, movies, documentaries, I’m not as much of a music-while-painting person but I love listening to conversation


I like to light some incense or a candle and turn on mood lighting, just any colored lights like strings of holiday lights. And listen to lowbrow comedy, South Park or Beavis and butthead :rofl: I also put my dolly in his swing and turn it on, with the lullaby music. I love to open the window when weather allows. And make my puppies little beds to curl up in. There’s a whole ritual!! :laughing:


I don’t really know but it needs to get to work. I’m not feeling real creative right now. I think it is because I have had so much trouble with Sally. I’ve put her away for now though.

You guys know I’m wacky. When I find an interesting character or start dropping deep down the rabbit hole of Pinterest, I get goin. Also, after s crazy busy school term!! Here’s the latest alternative character that inspired me. It’s Puddles Pity Party. :heartpulse::heartpulse::clown_face:


He covers a Lorde song :wink: lol

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Yep he covers lots of songs. He’s my new most favorite! :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse: