What dolls? Doll show

So… I’m trying to think of what dolls I want to reborn for the show. Any in particular that are your favorite list.

You might want to think about which will be the popular kits of next year… perhaps some of the upcoming new releases. For example, Levi was really popular at this year’s show. Peanut (the sculpt after his brother) might be really popular next year if I had to guess.

I personally love Andrea Arcello sculpts and would love to see some reborns of her work. Or GabyGail by Claire Taylor would be neat to see also.

If you are planning to do BB kits, I’d stick with the Realborns or other full-limbed kits since those tend to be more popular with collectors.


I have 4 realborns I am doing and trying to see which is a favorite sculpt of others. How do you know what will be popular. Levi was precious

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I think Thomas may be one.lol

Are you meaning next year’s rose? My first thought was go with the newer ones, buutttt there may be a lot of the newer ones there. If you can get some of the older Realborn kits, may be a good idea to do them.
Thomas…oh how I love Thomas! :wink:

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My first thought is Realborns and then anything Laura Lee Eagles

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I think Bonnie Brown’s new Liam will probably be popular. I’ve also heard people excited about peanut. Of the current batch of new kits and preorders, the ones I’m personally excited about include Pilar by Adrie Stoete, Azraya Faith by Nicole Russell, Anthony by Laura TR, Truly by Sherry Russell, and James by Sandy Faber. And I just noticed this sneak peek - Tristan by Jannie de Lange. Oh my goodness what a cutie!


I want Thomas for myself!

LOL, the problem with her kits will be not wanting to give them up!

I haven’t seen Peanut! Any pictures?

I dislike his hand so didn’t preorder him. I am hoping to see other people’s version once the kit is out



Oh I forgot about Liam! He’s going to be popular for sure. You can’t go wrong with Bonnie Brown. And even though Twin A and B have been done a LOT, they will probably be popular for a long time.

I think it’s a good idea to do a mix of BB and LE kits. I think there will be some new collectors at the show next year and some are saving all year to hopefully get a baby there. I’d love to see some ethnic babies too!

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Esmley is a new one I want, but it says april…

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Her and April are my favorite ones not out yet!

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Do you know when they come out?

No. I haven’t seen. When is your doll show?

June 29, 30!

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It is so crazy to me that The international Doll and Teddy show is only 2 weeks before ROSE! ugh.

That is the right show right? :wink:

If I see their dates I will let you know, but not sure if preorders and shipments would be done in time :frowning:

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Yes and thank you!

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I want bodhi by cassie brace when he comes out