What do you think?

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Gus-Tina-Kewy-P … RTM1084479
Please tell me what you think of the nails on this baby. I love his skin tones, hair, etc.

These are the WORST nails I have seen on a prototype baby… Looks like a Vietnamese nail tech did them with “cotton candy” polish and french tips. They are not at all realistic… The artist should take a lesson from Nicole Russell on nails…

— Begin quote from “UnknownFemale”

Over $700 and reserve not met?!?!?
600% profit would be good enough for me.

— End quote

yea… I saw that, but that doesn’t make the fingernails look any better to me… LOL!!

I’d be willing to bet that those nails are false and added to the baby - not painted. It said they are sculpted nails, but they look like the plastic ones from the stores.

i love this kit

— Begin quote from “Ginnylee”

I’d be willing to bet that those nails are false and added to the baby - not painted. It said they are sculpted nails, but they look like the plastic ones from the stores.

— End quote

Oh boo on that!! I can’t even fathom why someone would do that?!

— Begin quote from “pia”

— Begin quote from “Ginnylee”

I’d be willing to bet that those nails are false and added to the baby - not painted. It said they are sculpted nails, but they look like the plastic ones from the stores.

— End quote

Oh boo on that!! I can’t even fathom why someone would do that?!

— End quote

Excuse me Pia - sorry I expressed my opinion, but that’s what it looks like to me and, the description says they are “sculpted” nails. The doll is beautiful in skin color, but the nails look like press ons from my computer.

— Begin quote from “Ginnylee”

— Begin quote from “pia”

— Begin quote from “Ginnylee”

I’d be willing to bet that those nails are false and added to the baby - not painted. It said they are sculpted nails, but they look like the plastic ones from the stores.

— End quote

— End quote

Oh boo on that!! I can’t even fathom why someone would do that?!
Excuse me Pia - sorry I expressed my opinion, but that’s what it looks like to me and, the description says they are “sculpted” nails. The doll is beautiful in skin color, but the nails look like press ons from my computer.

— End quote

Sorry Ginny … I wasn’t “booing” your opinion- I just cannot believe anyone would do that to a baby. I agree with you totally that they look glued on. I didn’t take the time to read the auction. Glad you did…at least the artist was intentional in the effort. I agree that the baby is beautiful in all other ways. I wonder how Tina Kewey feels about it??

Lovely baby. The nails are too long IMO. I don’t care for them as they look like fake nails to me. It says Tina sculpted them for her out of some type translucent clay so I guess Tina approved of them. Not my cup of tea though.

I agree with everyone. Love the sculpt but not too fond of the nails. But i do love the way she did the hair.

I, for once, welcome any effort to add something new to the reborning art. It all started with mistakes and errors. The nails don’t look too good, but I bet they can be better, and I like the idea

I’ve never seen a baby that had nails like that. Beautiful baby, but the nails really detract from the realism (IMO). Looks like baby just returned from the nail salon.

I DO love the way she did the hair.


Tiffany, you took the words right outa my mouth…I’ve never seen a real baby with nails like that, and the OB nurses usually clip them if they’re long enough to scratch!

Well…everyone already said EVERYTHING I was going to say…to sum up:

Karen, we love the sculpt and the painting, We LOVE the hair. (it is a really good representation of newborn hair) and THE NAILS ARE UNREALISTIC AND YUCKY!!!

thanks for sharing…I really do love his little face!!!

I wonder if she had the dolls nails done at the same time she had a pedicure or something-lol!

I don’t care for the nails (as I said before), but apparently the bidders are not turned off by them!!


— Begin quote from “pia”

These are the WORST nails I have seen on a prototype baby… Looks like a Vietnamese nail tech did them with “cotton candy” polish and french tips. They are not at all realistic… The artist should take a lesson from Nicole Russell on nails…

— End quote

And how do you really feel? LMBO!

I think they look bad too. Too long, too think, too fake, yuck. I know babies nails can be long but they are never thick like that.

I actually like the nails. Of course babies dont have nails like this. But i think its pretty cute. She is one gorgeous baby.

Off topic:

Kristi I think our siggie babies have the same dress on LOL!