What do you think of seconds kits?

What do you all think of seconds kits? Any problems? What was wrong? a flaw you can see?
Are they worth buying?

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I have never had a problem with any seconds kits from BB. One had a divot in the flange… The rest I never could find anything wrong with.

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I have bought lots and the only flaws I’ve seen have been flanges with a little bit of an odd shape. Nothing that ever shows once the kit has been completed and nothing that makes them difficult to use. Watch the prices though, some of the specials on first quality kits can cost less than the seconds of the same kit!


I have never had any huge problems with mine. All I buy are seconds kits because they are cheaper and that way I can start my auction prices really low… I have heard people say bad things about the piglet seconds kits though, so don’t buy seconds of those

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Thanks everyone ive been wondering

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I have never had a problem with the seconds. Usually the flanges are a bit uneven.


I’ve never had a problem with a seconds kit.

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I haven’t had any issues with the seconds, either.

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I love seconds kits because buying them has allowed me to make way more babies and give away more too. I have only had a few with any problems. One had a tiny blister on her leg that I just painted red as a birthmark. A few others had minor specks that were covered by either paint or rooting. But I would definitely recommend buying them because of the practice value alone.

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When I have a particular kit in mind to buy I always check to see if there’s a seconds of it first. I’ve never come across any problems with my seconds kits. Maybe it’s my untrained eye, but I can’t find anything at all wrong and have wondered what it is that even made them qualify as seconds. My Kyle kit has a large purple bleed on the flange that looks like writing, he’s the only one that I’ve purchased that has anything wrong…and I’ve purchased a lot of them.

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well thanks everyone.Guess ill be looking for sales ir seconds now.Ive passed them up so far.If i get a booboo doll ill try and fake it…
By the way ive waited a week for a kit all kinds of cute faces on good sales… now i got paid same 2 unapealing( to me) kits up and i dont like the animal kits and not ready to spend $60 on sunmer rain athough shes so adorable.Guess ill just wait and see what comes up .

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Never had a problem! I just ordered Summer Rain as a “second”!

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As far as I can tell I have never had any trouble with “seconds” either.

Mostly just funky flanges or a black dot or something like that