What do you do with the unsold?

I have a few dolls that I made 2-3 years ago and that never sold. I have tried everything, changing clothes, different light, different decor setting, different prices.

What’s the best option ? Sell them at cost price? Sell them unassembled ? Gift them ? Strip and redo ?


I usually strip and redo but sometimes I get too frustrated and give them away so I don’t have to see them ever again :joy:

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Do you have a Nursing home that you could donate them to?

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Do you have pictures?

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If you don’t mind to sell your dolls for low prices, I would recommend this group.
I see people are going nuts for low priced dolls when raffle tickets are $5-$10.
I learned quickly that spot for $25 doesn’t feels out fast ot might not fill out at all :frowning: (like in the second link where I listed my Ava). I just don’t want to pay Reborns membership when I have just 2 high priced babies to sell.


@YelenaRey , do you know what kit is the 2nd from the right, in the pink outfit, in the picture on that site?

Is this a Raffle or a Waffle?

Pretty sure the very limited Bibo.

Facebook doesn’t allow raffles and will target the posts with the word, so they say waffle instead.


I did not know this in 2018 and was vendor neighbors with her. I so wish I would have bought one


You’re right. I have Bibo. She was my first expensive kit and my favorite keeper. She looks really different with her blond hair.

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Stripping would be my last resort. They are airdry, make long ago, that would be a nightmare :sweat_smile:

I don’t really have nursing home near, and I am not sure how it works. With the virus, it could be difficult. I will try to contact a few of them when the situation get better, it could be a great solution.

Raffles are not legal here, I would prefer not take the risk. I have already done a giveaway on my channel, I may do another tho.

Thanks for your suggestions !


I keep them around with the rest of my keepers. Horrible advice, I know. :rofl:


I am beginning to have a big collection of unwanted :joy:.
I have two that I left my daughter and her friends play with, at least someone like them :smile:

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I have had a few that for some reason just didn’t sell over the years, or I held them back because I wasn’t happy with them. I donate them if they are just not up to standards, they are still nice dolls but…

I have also gifted them. I think we all know people who say, “I could never afford one but if you ever make one that is a reject I would love to have it”

I will only do that with someone I know. I never want that baby showing up on social media as an example of my work. I need to trust the person I gift it to.


That’s one of my concern. I have gifted 4 so far, to close family. Others find them creepy :sweat_smile:

I am thinking of turning them into alternative. They are beginning to pile up…

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Mine always sell eventually. Some do take years. Lol.

I had one toddler sit unsold for nearly 4 years when she suddenly sold for over a thousand to a TV studio. Lol. I was going to turn her into an alternative when she sold.


That’s cool !

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Yeah. It was this girl…

So don’t be afraid to hold on to them.
Unless you really feel like they need to be redone.


She’s so beautiful! I can’t believe it took so long to sell😳