What books do you recommend for a beginner reborn artist?

So im starting out from beginning with heat set paints and would like to know if their are any books that can help me with the process.

Not sure about books, but several videos were already recommended to you on your other post, as well as tips from artists.


Hi Lara- I’m curious if you are utilizing the resources that have already been offered to you? Follow up questions are fantastic! But if you want artists to engage it’s important to show them that you’re taking their responses to heart and using the input that you’ve already received. They have put time and care into their replies.

Also, I know this has already been mentioned, but the top right of your screen has a magnifying glass. If you click it and put in search terms like “heat set tutorial”, “beginning reborning”, “YouTube videos”, “paint recommendations” (etc. etc.) you will find many helpful posts in the forum :slight_smile:


Watch the Custom Doll Baby series which has already been suggested multiple times. After you watch all of the videos, get back to us with any questions. We have already pointed you in the right direction. It is now up to you to do the work :blush: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY0D7_fO0RBeErTy6k83PKTKFLXYtME1Q&si=cN8AR2Vhxc3Gvmvy


I have a very bad memory tbh so i was thinking maybe a book would help me more. Or maybe a series that is reborn with me or something. I domt want to mess this up which is why i keep asking these questions

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:arrow_up: my previous reply is a link to the YouTube channel, Custom Doll Baby. Her series is called “Reborn with Me.” Click on the link and it will show you all of the videos.


Maybe write down the suggestions on paper so it will help you remember


You will mess up at first- possibly a lot! All of us did :heart: The best thing to do is watch the videos you’ve been sent several times through, then have them playing as you paint, pausing as needed. At some point you just need to dive in and know that the first few dolls probably won’t be what you’re hoping for, but that’s how you learn :slight_smile:


Here is my first baby. She is yellow and pink and blue and purple :joy: I rooted her too and it was terrible and I ended up throwing her head out and keeping the limbs for practice. Here are my most recent babies. You just learn by doing and making mistakes.


I took notes and even drew pictures while I watched the Reborn With Me Series. That was my ‘book’.


If you Google ‘reborning books’ there are quite a few available. Some are e-books, some are actual books. I can’t really recommend a particular one because I didn’t use any. I just messed up a lot, and stripped a lot, until I got the hang of it and was satisfied with my results. Will you be using heat set or air dry paints? If you’re going to try rooting hair, I suggest getting a practice head before trying it on an already painted baby.

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If you have trouble remembering, take notes! Write down all the steps you think you’ll need. And just go paint. It’s okay if the first one sucks. Most people have a first reborn that sucks.
If you’re hesitant, get a test limb and try fully reborning that first.


I paint for a few years now and i stil messe up sometime
Than i take of the paint and started al over again
By practising you learn also from your mistakes
I paint most for myself and once a while i sell one but her we do not get the main prize

Above are two i painted one with Waterborne air dry
The other one with genesis


Tbh avoid all reborn painting books published before 2018. I bought some ebooks in the beginning of my journey and they were already outdated. 2018 or later only should keep you up to date.


So many technics, mediums, as well as details changed just in last year.


I don’t know of any books but there are a lot of free You Tube videos. I made a whole series way back when I was still building my skills. I love sharing and I wanted to give back because so many people shared with me, I have learned a whole lot since then.

Buy some super cheap kits here on BB, and just play, have fun, you can always wipe a baby down before you bake.

The best way to learn is just to make a whole lot of babies. Some people a make a couple and feel like “This is it I am a genius” or they say “its too hard why am I doing this!” It takes time and practice no matter what. Every baby will be precious to you, and you will find fault with every baby, things no one else will ever notice. Just enjoy the process this is suppose to be fun and relaxing. It a really awesome hobby.

Happy baby making


One of the first artists I watched, she was so sweet and patient. Did she ever come back? I know she had a little baby of her own and kinda took a break.

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Was that Kim of Custom Doll Baby? She hasn’t posted since 2016 but her videos are still on YouTube.


I don’t think she came back. I learned all the basics from her, even though I was using air dry

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Yep, I think her real life baby must be keeping her busy, I really liked her she was so sweet and generous with her tutorials.