What a dry spell this is

in sales that is. I don’t think I have ever experienced it this bad. I have marked my left over summer babies as low as low it seems. I even wonder if I could give them away? My waffle baby does not have enough participants either. LOL! It is very discouraging. And here I go buying a plane ticket tonight for KDS next year and I have yet to pay all my fees for DOTW. Lord we need some sales round here!


Unreal how slow it’s been. Honestly, the worst I’ve seen and last year wasn’t exactly epic. I keep saying I’ll paint my stash and show myself to the door. Wondering if it’s worth my time to even paint that stash :thinking: What’s the point, really?

Fingers crossed we sell some Christmas babies but I’m not holding my breath.


I sure hope we do…


I mean, I am not a warehouse for orphaned reborns. I can’t keep stacking them up in my dining room hoping they sell. Thanksgiving is coming, I’ll be needing that space :joy: May be time to just finish the ones I’m working on, list, and then take a paint break.

Sooooo what do people do if they don’t paint?? I must have had a life before reborning :thinking:


Pull weeds, cook, clean, you know…, all the fun stuff!


My yard looked 1000% better before I started reborning. I was always working on my flowers. Now my house looks like a couple of hobos camp here


I did lots of other kinds of crafts but reborning is my passion. I really hope it doesn’t become obsolete.


I didn’t paint this year at all . After 150+ babies , I will only paint my yearly donation baby to the nursing home and if family wants one . Even my regular customer offers me such a low price to make her a custom that I sent here elsewhere …and given many a heads up that won’t have dolls for Christmas as I can’t make one for the price they would want it .


I don’t sell on Reborns for almost 2 years, so I can’t weigh about sales there, but Dave stats are great.
However 634 artists - that is A LOT and competition is fierce.
Like someone said there are more artists than buyers nowadays.


I just checked and it showing 18 so far today. I like that it updates often.


Do we know if these were low end priced dolls or not?

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We all need to get naked under that big full moon and do a baby dance. I will bring the libations.

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I have gone back to fine art, and I should go back to keeping my house clean, Lordy it has taken a beating since the lockdown. We just got use to not having people here and not caring as much. I will keep painting my stash as long as babies sell, I will see how it goes over the holidays. I have so much invested in this art form, I hate to just stop. I may teach in my community. Karen you could totally teach.


I wonder how this compares to this time last year? How did you find the analytics? I don’t navigate the site very deeply, just list and check the sellers chats.

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I would not ever notice it if @quiltsabunch didn’t tell me about it as it was posted on Reborns chat.
It was recently implemented, so I doubt that Dave have last year stats.


If I got naked under the moon I don’t know if it would drum up any sales but would for sure scare all the wildlife!


Me too, who doesn’t love a baby doll? Ours are the royalty of all baby dolls.