Well, there goes my paycheck 🤷🏻‍♀️

I HAVE to have Rosalie.
Jaylan is already paid for.
I HAVE to have Asia.
I HAVE to have Ava.
I probably HAVE to have Sylvan.
And that’s just this week. There are at least 5 more that I HAVE to have within the next month.


I ordered Jaylan too,mine is pais for. I also ordered Flo but no word on her. I have been trying my best not to order anymore. So glad I have my upcoming cruise to help me resist. I need money for that, otherwise my check would be going on reborn stuff too, lol

Is Rosalie on pre order?

Looks like she’s still in the preview stage: Source.

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Still on sneak peek. But I think preorder starts at the end of this week. MacPherson has her listed on Thursday as “preorder opens soon.”

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I will put money aside for her then thank you

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I feel you. I’m holding out for Laura Brown, Maggie Brown and Alexis Brace. Thanfully I have sevwral months before they come out so I can start saving.

Laura is on the calendar for June too! :open_mouth:

Oh poop. I’ve been avoiding going on Machperson’s so I didn’t see that. I promised myself I wouldn’t go into debt for this hobby so Ramen noodles this month it is😝


I do 3 month layaway at MacPherson, even on preorders. It’s much easier to know for sure that $33ish is due each month on a known date than it is to suddenly have to pay $90 with no warning. :grimacing:

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I’ve never taken advantage of their layaway…I may just do that! I see Laura Brown and Alexis Brace as being part of my personal collection :heart:
Looking forward to eventually getting a doll to start my collection.

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I’ve narrowed it down to these 12 for June preorders. Now I have to figure out how to cut that in half. :weary:


Some of those are still sneak peaks I thought, or are they all really coming out in June? I hate having to pick and choose which to buy too, so many beautiful kits!!

They ALL show on the calendar for June. Most say “preorder begins soon” when you click on them. I sure hope they don’t all start this month. What does MacPherson’s events calendar mean when it lists a kit on a certain day?

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Oh wow! I’ve never really looked at the calendar, I always just check the pre-order and sneak peak pages.

Is Charlotte going to be vinyl? When I looked on Lauras website I only saw a pic for silicone Charlotte.
I cant believe that many are coming out in June, most are limited edition as well :scream:. How are we supposed to decide :flushed:


Oh im so relieved :blush:. I cant wait to get her. Thank you for finding that :blush: