Weird thing

Just noticed…people posting pics of real babies,selling them as reborns?? Custom or not, I think it’s misleading customers. Feel bad for customers that buy them…wonder what they actually get.


That sort of thing has been going on forever. It has been discussed here and other forums and some of the perpetrators have even been confronted with it. Buyers need to be smart and look into what they are buying. If they are thinking of having someone custom make a baby, they need to see current pictures of the artists work.


Agreed, just amazing to me that people will defraud others like that. I had my entire portfolio of babies stolen off my site last year by someone. She made her own site using every last baby of mine only.

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There are definitely a lot of shiesty people out there, for sure.


Yup, says the ones posted just sold…not good for customers.


I emailed this person, asked if it was a reborn or real baby…they said a reborn. I asked what sculpt, she said oh its an original sculpt not one you can buy through supplier…yeah right, poor customers.
I realize people do this all the time, but when customers get scammed, it negatively effects everyone in the reborn world.
Ive spent too many years as an artist building a good reputation, not to have this bother me.