Weighing baby

Ok so my box of weighing beads came from BB.their price i thought was good and $8 shipping so bought them… .they are in packets Do i keep it in packets? looks like sand to me…seems like it would leak out of nylons or do i use rubber gloves.?i was hoping for sonething bigger. I had used bigger beads wrapped in polyfil from Dollar store in the dolls ive made for my family but now selling figure i should do it right.I was hoping for something slightly smaller than beebees but bigger than sand but im sure no expert on weighing dolls.

I buy my glass beads from BB also, but use steel coated pellets in the body and glass beads in the extremities. In the smaller preemie sized dolls, I use glass beads in a doubled nylon, and it doesn’t leak for me. I use cheap knee highs, and put in the glass beads, knot it, and double it over the pouch of beads and knot again. Oh, and I keep my beads in the separate packages that they were sent in, but you can store them as you wish.


Don’t worry I have used nylons with big holes and never had a problem. I try to buy them with smaller separation of threads but i buy them at the thrift store so some times I get onece with big gaps. There are some small peaces of glass that can come out so I fill the nylon then hold it over a big bowl and kind of masage it and pat it a little. But don’t worry with the normal nylons is diferent. For doble security after you tied one side flip it over and tied it again. Just make sure you give the glass room to move. The glass beads are on sale right now but check here there are post with recomendations of places to get the beads cheaper.

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I do not leave them in the packets myself I fill the limbs up to about the knee area and the elbow then fill the rest with poly-fil, For the head and body I place the glass beads into a nylon stocking and tie off then wrap again I usually get 3 layers of nylon out of one knee high so they do not leak out.


Thanks everyone. Would a sock work ?or you need nylons for a tighter knit and more fluidity.
can i ask why you use the steel pellets in the body? are they cheaper or heavier per ounce?
Does everyone take them out of the shipping packets.?i just assumed they were in those to use that way

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I also use doubled knee highs in the body and for the limbs, I fill halfway then stuff with polyfil and seal with Dr. Scholl’s Moleskin.
I store my glass beads in empty 16 oz plastic water bottles that i fill with a funnel. It makes it very easy to pour, even into tiny limbs.

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I also use the stainless steel pellets in the body. They are heavier than the glass beads and using the steel pellets lets there be more polyfil in the body.

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oh ok Amy!!

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Steel pellets are heavier, so you can use less. I misread your statement about packages of glass beads. I pour the beads directly into the arms and legs, but I store beads in their packages. Sorry. Also, a nylon is more fluid and easier to shape in the body than a sock is.

